Take Part in Our Community Survey!

The Somerville Community Growing Center is inviting community members to complete a survey to help inform long term planning to improve services for our participants, the Union Square community and Somerville residents.
Jessika and I are grateful for you sharing the survey to make sure the voices of the Growing Center Board (current and former), volunteers and broader community members (over 18) are heard as we make adjustments for the Growing Center's future.
The survey is available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, and participants who complete it before February 12th will be entered into a raffle to win one of four $50 VISA gift cards. This survey is being developed in partnership with Tufts graduate student, Jessika Brenin. For questions, please reach out to her directly at Jessika.Brenin@tufts.edu.
We really appreciate your help with getting this survey out to as many community members as possible for participation by February 12th. Please see below for access links and sample language you can copy to share the survey.
Thank you!
Lisa Brukilacchio & Jessika Brenin
Sample Language & Survey Access Links
Do you know the Somerville Community Growing Center, located at 22 Vinal Ave near the Union Square neighborhood? Please share your thoughts on the Growing Center’s community impacts to help us evaluate and set priorities for our future work. All participants will have the option of being entered into a lottery to win one of four $50 gift cards. We appreciate your help in this process! Please find the link to our 10-minute online survey here (https://tufts.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3KnEWu7ObifRfkp)
¿Conoce a Somerville Community Growing Center, ubicado en la 22 Vinal Ave cerca del vecindario de Union Square? Por favor compartenos sus pensamientos sobre los impactos de la comunidad de Growing Center para ayudarnos a evaluar y establecer prioridades para nuestro trabajo a futuro. Todos los parcitipnated tendran la opurtibadad de ser entrados a una rifa para ganar una de las cuatro de regalo de $50. ¡Apreciamos toda su ayuda en este proceso! Por favor encuentra el enlace a nuestra encuesta en línea de aproximadamente 10 minutos aquí: (https://tufts.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1XIn5hNkkQzHEW2)
Você conhece o Centro de Crescimento Comunitário de Somerville (Somerville Community Growing Center), localizado na 22 Vinal Ave, perto do bairro Union Square? Por favor compartilhe suas ideias sobre os impactos do Centro de Crescimento na comunidade para nos ajudar a avaliar e definir prioridades para nossos trabalhos futuros. Todos os participantes terão a opção de participar em uma loteria para ganhar um dos quatro cartões-presentes de $50.
Agradecemos sua ajuda neste processo! Encontre o link para nossa pesquisa online de 10 minutos aqui: (https://tufts.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6y9WRAIfj7wYVf0)