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In Gratitude for the Earth

Lisa Brukilacchio

Creatively Celebrating the Earth in Our Community

On the afternoon of Saturday, April 22, more than two hundred people stopped by the Growing Center to join in our celebration of Earth Day, jointly held with the City of Somerville’s Office of Sustainability and Environment and the Climate Coalition of Somerville. Check out the coverage from the Somerville Times!

The event featured hands-on gardening and nature based art activities, education on biodiversity and attracting pollinators to urban settings, and was the kickoff of the Somerville Climate Coalition-led “Convenings to Create Transformative Climate and Arts Collaborations,” with musical inspiration provided by the Second Line Social Aid and Pleasure Society Brass Band.

Major thanks to all of our wonderful volunteers for their contributions to this joyful celebration of the earth! Despite the chill in the air, 222 people walked through the gates to join the event. Our volunteers welcomed, interpreted, invited, educated, inspired, engaged, entertained and/or otherwise moved participants. They met new people (and one another) and bonded into teams that brought activities to life. Connections were made that will hopefully come to fruition and have impact beyond those few hours of gathering in community. Bravo, everyone!

Many thanks to Sonia for providing Spanish & Portuguese language interpretation, coordinated in collaboration with the Welcome Project’s LIPS program.

For those who missed it or who did not have a chance to participate in the Climate Collaborations Connections (C3) board as part of the launch of the Climate and Arts convenings, please check out this link to some basic information.

And stay tuned for Spring Garden Day on Sunday, May 14!

Spring Garden Day

Sunday, May 14 12:00-2:00 pm

Rain Date: Sunday, May 21, same time

Come together in community with others, to once again gather to celebrate Spring Garden Day at the Center! Celebrate with the annual Morris Dancing and participatory Maypole dance. Take home native seeds harvested at the Center. Visit the native Pollinator Garden. Learn about EarthWise Aware’s volunteer monitoring project. If you have some seeds or seedlings to share, bring them along! We will have some native seeds, harvested from the Center, to give away. Performances by Red Herring Morris Dancers.

In gratitude,

Lisa B for the Friends of the Community Growing Center


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