Back to the Garden
Hello, My name is Yashmina Alvarez. I work at CAAS Head Start. On July 12, 2021 our classroom reopened in person after working remotely for almost one year.
Head Start has a great connection with the Somerville Growing Center. Every Monday morning and Friday afternoon we have the opportunity to visit the Garden with our kiddos.
This Summer 2021 we exposed our children to nature and nature based activities. My coworkers, Norma, Zoila, Silvana, Monique and I, developed a curriculum outside that includes discovery, experimentation, learning about connecting to the natural world and engaging in environmental and adventure activities.
Activities included: counting sticks, painting rocks, matching spots, scavenger hunt, watering plants, cooking with sand, manipulating tools, (shovels, small rakes and brooms), hearing sounds, smelling plants, comparing flowers, balancing games, breathing, yoga, and listening to stories.
Our little ones love to visit the SGC, it doesn’t matter if they get wet, dirty, sweaty, tired, or thirsty. The most important thing is to enjoy this beautiful place.
Thanks to the GC and Paula Jordan for the amazing support.