Updates at the Growing Center in response to COVID-19

Update: June 29, 2020
COVID-19 Programming and Site-Related Updates:
Growing Center Open Hours:
The Growing Center's Open Hours have resumed. Please visit our calendar, here, to confirm dates and times before you visit the garden.
To learn more about when and how to visit, please go here.
Gate Access and Ongoing Growing Center Projects:
Although the Growing Center is currently closed to all public programs and normal large group volunteer activities, we plan to sustain urban agriculture projects in support of local food security work—including growing food and sharing seeds (and potentially seedlings)—and to continue to care for the Growing Center site so that it will be ready to open when we are able.
To accomplish this, there will be a limited number of site volunteers continuing to access the Growing Center for dedicated tasks overseen by Growing Center Site Coordinator, Paula Jordan.
The health and wellbeing of our volunteers, staff, and neighbors is our top priority. In an effort to adhere to state and city health guidelines and to ensure the safety of our team of site volunteers, the combination to the lock on the Growing Center gate has temporarily been changed in order to limit non-essential access to the site.
Any individual entering the Growing Center site must strictly adhere to the Growing Center’s Health and Safety Plan for everyone’s benefit and protection.
Other News & Updates:
As with many other nonprofit organizations that rely on individual donations to survive, we need to raise $30K this year to cover costs, including retaining our part-time staff during this time. Please be as generous as you are able, but we are encouraging everyone to try to donate $20 for 2020! Click here to learn more.
Please take care of yourselves, your families, and neighbors during this time of disruption. Breathe. Take time to get outside and observe the unfolding of spring to help reduce anxiety and stress. Remember that we need to exercise to be healthy. Check in with friends and neighbors. If you want to do more, consider checking out the newly formed MAMAS group (Mutual Aid Medford and Somerville), developed to help build strong community connections.
Please stay connected with the Growing Center community through our website and Facebook page, where we will regularly share resources related to our mission, and also ways to support the Growing Center this season. Stay safe and be well!