Enjoying the Growing Center all winter long!
It may be cold outside, but don't forget that the Growing Center can be enjoyed all year round! For folks interested in visiting the site this winter, we've put together some information to help guide your use of the grounds.

Winter Use Guidelines at the Growing Center: Please enjoy the garden and help create a welcoming, safe space for everyone!
Snow! If you are the first one visiting after a snow fall and physically able, please remove snow around the front gate and shovel a path to the port-a-potty. Sand can be spread from the white bucket near the shed on any ice.
A shovel and ice scraper are available beside the shed, please return them there.
All animals must be on leash while visiting and please take all trash/dog poop with you.
Carefully lock gate when leaving to make sure it is closed.
If you would like to be a snow angel (coming by after a storm to clean up) please be in touch with us!
If you have any questions or would like to visit this winter, contact us at volunteer@thegrowingcenter.org or paula@thegrowingcenter.org
Pautas para usar el Growing Center durante el invierno
Por favor disfruta el jardín este invierno y ayúdanos en crear un espació para todos!
Nieve! Si es posible, por favor, palear alrededor de la puerta y palear un camino a port-a-potty. Gracias!
Hay palas y un removedor de hielo cerca del cobertizo. Por favor regresarlos después usar.
Los perros deben estar atados en todo momento.
Por favor, toma su basura y caca de perro. No hay colección de basura aquí durante el invierno.
Cierre cuidadosamente y cierre la puerta.
Por favor revise la cerradura antes de salir. Muchas gracias!
Tiene preguntas? Contáctenos, paula@thegrowingcenter.org, volunteer@thegrowingcenter.org