Volunteer Spotlight: Abigail Dickson
1. Who are you and and how did you first learn about the Growing Center?
My name is Abby and I run a theater company for kids who want to do Shakespeare (Youthquake Theater). We have been performing at the Growing Center in the summer for the past 4 years. I first learned about the Growing Center when I was around six years old and I went to a "fairy night" there. It was a bunch of kids running around, having fun, and building fairy houses. A young child's paradise. That is when I discovered that the Growing Center is a magical place where community and beautiful plants abound. It was a perfect backdrop for my first show there, Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream," which is full of fairies, plants, and people having fun in nature.

2. Where is your favorite place to escape to in the Somerville / greater Boston area?
I love taking walks in the woods in the Middlesex Fells.
3. What is your favorite vegetable?
I would have to say broccoli.
4. What do you like most about the Somerville Community Growing Center?
The memories that I have of being there. When I step into the Growing Center I always have pleasant visions of fairy nights, plays, and more.
5. What is your favorite thing about Somerville?
The Growing Center, of course.
6. What is your favorite thing about growing?
I've always seen growing as a group activity since I started out growing with my dad and my sister in our garden, so my favorite thing about growing is growing with other people.