Volunteer Spotlight: Pennie Taylor

1. Who are you and and how did you first learn about the Growing Center? I've lived in the neighborhood since 2009, I'm an art educator and game inventor (www.longfacegame.com), and first learned about the Growing Center at a maple event.
2. Where is your favorite place to escape to in the Somerville / greater Boston area? The Growing Center of course...Mount Auburn Cemetery, Rock Meadow in Belmont, Lindentree Farm/ Mount Misery in Lincoln, any foray in the woods, especially with the Boston Mycological Club. 3. What is your favorite vegetable? Fresh tomatoes, radishes, artichokes.
4. What do you like most about the Somerville Community Growing Center? It's an oasis in the neighborhood, it's nice to know many hands shape the place in different ways. It feels like a special place.
5. What is your favorite thing about Somerville? So many strong community resources- I'm at the library now, I went ice skating at Veteran's Rink yesterday, there are great pocket parks and dog parks- and people use them! I also love the Market Basket.
6. What is your favorite thing about growing? Hands in the dirt, being outside, and the smell of fresh basil! (and the taste of fresh pesto!!)