Winter Wonders: A Recap of the Season
Can you sense that spring is here - even without a calendar? Pussy willows and other buds are showing up; purple and yellow crocuses...

The Five Senses: Children’s Experience of the Maple Boil
Imagine you’re a small child, setting foot in the Growing Center during the Maple Boil. You see smoke rising from the large metal boiler...

Our Big 3-0 Kickoff!
The Friends of the Community Growing Center is thrilled to announce a brand-new storytelling project, nascent YouTube channel and...

Volunteer Spotlight: Liliana Bettolo
When I met Liliana Bettolo at the Growing Center, she was picking up vegetables from her CSA share – likely not the only stop she’d make...

The Somerville Maple Boil Down: Back on Tap, Back on Track!
The Somerville Maple Boil Down: Back on Tap, Back on Track! By Hildi Gabel Growing Center Writing Team In typical late New England winter...

The Maple Syrup Project Turns 23!
On Friday, March 4, the Growing Center hosted more than 80 preschoolers from our partners, Kesher Nevatim; Dandelion Montessori; Pooh and...