Salvage Sale: Smashing Success!
The 2023 Salvage Sale brought new visitors to the Growing Center, lots of donations and a community spirit that cannot be beat!

Our Big 3-0 Kickoff!
The Friends of the Community Growing Center is thrilled to announce a brand-new storytelling project, nascent YouTube channel and...

Fairy Fun and Fall Harvest Fun(draising)
As the days get shorter and crisper, you start to feel a slight difference in the air. It’s subtle, but it indicates the coming of autumn...

Cultivate, Grow, Repeat: Growing Center Recap, 2018-2022
The last five years have been incredibly industrious in our neck of the woods - and not just in Union Square itself. During the most...

SeedMoney™ Grant Update!
We are inching closer to the finish line with our SeedMoney Challenge, and could use a boost! The Friends of the Community Growing Center...

Help Us Make Our SeedMoney™ Grant Challenge Goal!
The Friends of the Community Growing Center has been approved for a 2020 Garden Challenge Grant from SeedMoney, a Maine-based nonprofit...

May Fundraising Update and Another Matching Gift Challenge for June!
The Friends of the Community Growing Center's Fundraising Committee is delighted to report that as of May 31, our fundraising totals for...

April Matching Gift Challenge Success! Plus, a New Challenge and Raffle Drawing for May!
A big THANK YOU to all of our wonderful friends and supporters, because last month, we not only succeeded in matching the $500 gift we...

Support the Growing Center's work this April, and all season long!
For more than a quarter century, the Growing Center has been dedicated to engaging the full population of Somerville, with a focus on...

Flatbread Pizza Benefit to support the Somerville Community Growing Center!
The Growing Center is having a community benefit at Flatbread Pizza on Tuesday, November 19th from 5 pm - 9 pm. Please join us! A portion...