Nature Garden Playschool at the Growing Center: Wonder, Joy, and Changes
In early November we spent time at the Growing Center harvesting all the still-producing tomatoes and herbs that wouldn’t survive the...

Outdoors is for Everyone
This week we visited the Somerville Family Closet. As part of our grant at the Growing Center to support outdoor/nature play all year...

25th Anniversary Celebration for the Somerville Community Growing Center & Somerville Garden Clu
Come celebrate 25 years of ‘community greening’ with the Somerville Community Growing Center and Somerville Garden Club. Let's get...

The Story of Tyler the Turtle
On Thursday, September 19th, Tyler the Turtle climbed to his new home at the top of the Growing Center. Tyler was sculpted and cemented...

Nature Play at the Growing Center ~ End of Summer 2019
After the center officially re-opened in late June, we were once again able to host our two ongoing free weekly playgroups (still ongoing...

Come be a part of the Harvest Festival!!
The Somerville Community Growing Center's Harvest Festival/ Fiesta de la Cosecha/ Festival da Colheita/ Festival Rekòt/ फसल महोत्सव ...

Come be a part of our Gathering of Fairies!
Join us on Saturday, September 28, from 2-4 pm at the Somerville Community Growing Center for our annual Gathering of Fairies! A garden...

Our Children’s Book Author Series continues with Jef Czekaj!
This Sunday, Aug. 25, at 3pm, please join us at the Growing Center for another wonderful reading in our Children's Book Author Series!...

Up next in our Summer Song Series: Gloucester Hornpipe and Clog Society
Please join us Saturday, Aug. 24, at 2pm for our latest Summer Song Series performance, featuring the Gloucester Hornpipe and Clog...

Cultivate Campaign 2019 Launch!
The Friends of the Community Growing Center are excited to announce our new growing campaign: Cultivate Campaign 2019! With generous...