Somerville Family Learning Collaborative Brings Storytime to the Garden
Laughing children in the playgroup room; doors swinging open and shut as staff head out on home visits; the friendly greetings of...

Backyard Scavenger Hunt: Limerick Edition!
The first week that school was cancelled, my six year-old son, Danny, and I were hanging out in our yard one sunny morning with his two...

S L O W Birding
Spring is here, birds are becoming more active. Looking and listening to birds is something most of us can do, from a porch, city street,...

Dirt and a Little Bit of Magic: Mud Kitchen Play at Nature Garden Playschool
This week, Lauren Evans from The Monarch Studio dropped off a mud kitchen for the preschool groups that have been visiting this winter to...

Nature Garden Playschool at the Growing Center: Wonder, Joy, and Changes
In early November we spent time at the Growing Center harvesting all the still-producing tomatoes and herbs that wouldn’t survive the...