2017 Calendar of Events
Find out more about what free community events are happening at this Somerville urban garden oasis!

Volunteer Spotlight: Abigail Dickson
1. Who are you and and how did you first learn about the Growing Center? My name is Abby and I run a theater company for kids who want to...

Share your Growing Center Story!
It is true! If you believe in our mission and want to help support us even more, we have an easy way for you to participate! Please just...

"Flight Song Collective" Seeks Volunteers
Flight Song Collective Wanted: Creative people to join the Flight Song Collective! The Collective is working on a two-part project… A...

New Volunteer Orientation (April 29th)
Volunteers are the life-blood of the Growing Center—and there are so many ways to get involved!Come learn the history of the Growing...

Seed Sale Order Pickup Information
We are excited the seeds have arrived from High Mowing! Come pick up your seeds on Saturday, April 22nd with two pick-up options:...

Annual Spring Garden Day (May 6th)
Spring Garden Day, May 6th, 1-3pm Itching to get outside, meet other Villans, exchange some seeds or seedlings? Join the annual Maypole...

Spring Growing Center Mixer
Looking to find your next garden oasis in Somerville? Look no further... Are you interested in getting involved with children's garden...

Annual Maple Syrup Boil Down
Annual Maple Syrup Boil Down: Saturday, March 18th from 10am - 2pm @The Growing Center Join us once again for our most popular event! We...

Seed Sale Fundraiser Extended
It is that time of the year for the Somerville Community Growing Center's Annual Seed Sale Fundraiser! Spring will be here before we know...