Meet Our Newest Board Members!
At January’s Annual Meeting, we welcomed two new members to the Friends of the Community Growing Center Board of Directors: Gretchen...

A Note from Our New Operations Manager!
Hi, everyone! My name is Bethany Burke, and I am the new Operations Manager at the Somerville Community Growing Center! I am so excited...

Salvage Sale: Smashing Success!
The 2023 Salvage Sale brought new visitors to the Growing Center, lots of donations and a community spirit that cannot be beat!

Our Big 3-0 Kickoff!
The Friends of the Community Growing Center is thrilled to announce a brand-new storytelling project, nascent YouTube channel and...

Growing Center Kicks Off Climate Arts Convening on June 17
This past Earth Day, the Growing Center hosted a kick-off and awareness raising event for the Climate Arts Convening, a summer series...

Welcoming Our Newest Board Members!
Welcoming our Newest Board Members! Join us in welcoming the Friends of the Community Growing Center’s newest members of our Board of...

Artist Working to Capture Bud-to-bloom Images in Garden
Somerville artist Kerrie Kemperman recently installed a pinhole camera in the Growing Center's weeping crabapple tree in an attempt to...

Check Out all the Opportunities with the Growing Center in 2022!
The Growing Center is preparing to host a full season of community events this year for the first time in five years, and our volunteer...

Extended Open Hours for Spring!
We are extending our Open Hours to adjust for warmer weather and longer days! It is our hope to offer access to outdoor green space for a...

Take Part in Our Community Survey!
The Somerville Community Growing Center is inviting community members to complete a survey to help inform long term planning to improve...