Annual Meeting: Sunday, January 26, 3:00-5:00 pm
Location: 10 Prospect Street, 7th Floor Business Lounge, Union Square Somerville
Three dozen people met on a cold, blustery afternoon inside Union Square's newest commercial building - 10 Prospect Street - where we shared accomplishments from the 2024 calendar year, including visitor and volunteer numbers and statistics & fundraising and financial data like the final numbers from our 30-30-30 campaign; present the budget for the year ahead; and the proposed slate of Board Members and Officers. Lots of time was spent in small groups brainstorming programming ideas, related reflection/planning activities for the coming year.
Lots of camaraderie, refreshments, gorgeous city views and our latest updates! Contact volunteer@thegrowingcenter.org with any questions.
Missed it? Take a look at the Google Slides presentation! Photos below.