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Join Us for Our 2024 Events - Free and Open to All! 
Participe en nuestros actos de 2024: ¡gratuitos y abiertos a todos! 

NOTE:  Check out our Facebook page to look at our Events on social media.
NOTA: ¡Visite nuestra página de Facebook.

For cancellations & date changes: Visit our Facebook page or our Google Calendar
Para cancelaciones & cambios: Visite nuestra página de Facebook! Google Calendar!

NOTE ABOUT 2024 EVENTS: Events noted with an * asterisk are supported in part by a grant from the Somerville Arts Council, a local commission supported by the City of Somerville. Thanks to the Massachusetts Cultural Council for general funding support.

Event Fliers for Downloading

FUN-raising thumbnail 2.png

Maple Boil Down

Flier, March 2

Earth Day Flier

April 20

Children's Events 2024 Flier

Spring Garden Day May 4, 2024 Flier

Festa Junina: Brazilian Harvest Festival

June 15, 2024 Flier

Versão em Português

Hidden Colors of Nature png.png

Opetry Open Mic Series 2024 Flier

Community Read Alouds 2024 Flier

Herb of the Month Talks 2024 Flier

Medicinal Plant Walk Series 2024 Flier

Celebrating Amy Lowell Poetry Flier

Hidden Colors of Nature, July 20 & August 3 Flier

Stuffie Campout thumbnail.jpg

Stuffed Animal Campout, August 4 Flier


Environmental Short Films, Aug 7 & 28 


Gathering of the Fairies

Sept. 7

Flier (3 languages)

Harvest Festival, Sept 28

Flier (3 languages)

Salvage Sale, Oct. 19



Pub Sing (Music)

First & Third Tuesdays, 6:00-8:00 pm

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated! Covid precautions: Because singing is a relatively high-risk activity, please attend only if fully vaccinated, boosted, and symptom-free.

Contact: Jeff at 

Visit the Growing Center table at the Winter Farmers Market


Saturday, January 13, 9:30 am - 1:30 pm

Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Ave, Somerville

Come by our table at the Somerville Winter Farmers Market. We’ll be hosting a Seed Swap and sharing info about the Seed Sale! Dig through your seeds and see what you might spare to share. Come see what new varieties you might find & meet other growers–or try growing for the first time. We will have a limited supply of free native flower seeds to give away, harvested from the Growing Center and some donated by Mystic Charles Pollinator Pathways, to help increase pollinator habitats in Somerville and beyond.

Friends of the Growing Center Annual Meeting (Educational)

Sunday, January 28, 3:00-4:30 pm     

Join us at Upstairs at Bow inside Bow Market, where the Friends will share our accomplishments and challenges from the 2023 calendar year, including visitor and volunteer numbers and statistics & fundraising and financial data; present the budget for the year ahead; and approve the proposed slate of Board Members and Officers. We will also share special opportunities as we are in the midst of our 30th year and related reflection/planning activities in the near future. All are invited! More info and to see the recorded presentation visit our Annual Meeting page.

Winter in the Garden: Winter Sowing Workshop (Winter Series)

Sunday, February 4

12:00-1:00 pm English

1:00-2:00 pm Spanish & Portuguese

This event is offered in English, then in Spanish and Portuguese. Get some cold hardy plants started for spring. Please bring a clear plastic milk jug, but we will have some extras. Soil and seeds available. Dress for the weather, this workshop will be held all outdoors. 


Siembra de Invierno

Domingo, 4 de Febrero 13:00-14:00 pm

Empieza a plantar plantas resistentes al frío para la primavera. Por favor, traiga una jarra de leche de plástico transparente, pero tendremos algunos extras. Dispondremos de tierra y semillas. Vístase para el clima, este taller se llevará a cabo al aire libre. 


Winter Play and Wellness Workshop: a K-12 Family Event

(Winter Series)

Wednesday, Feb 7, 2-3:30 pm

Come outside and play! Activities will include mindful movement and community-building exercises, freezing nature mandalas and more! Dress to be outdoors in the weather of the day. Bring a yoga mat or blanket.

Email Natalia to register: 


Introduction to Plant and Wildlife Monitoring (Educational)

for Conservation with Earthwise Aware

Saturday, February 10, 2:00-3:30 pm

Join Claire and Earthwise Aware (EwA) citizen scientists and learn how to observe and record the plants, insects, and animals of the Somerville Growing Center. With these observation events and through the EwA photo documentation using the iNaturalist platform, we contribute to biodiversity science while enjoying the outdoors together in this beautiful little garden. Also learn about EwA’s arthropod (insect and spider) and phenology studies at the Growing Center.

Contact: Claire O’Neill at 


Winter Tree Identification (Winter Series)

Sunday, February 11, 11:00 am

This event is full. But please email to be put on a waiting list or to be notified of another date this will be offered. Reach out to


Winter Foraging (Winter Series)

Sunday, February 25, 12:00-2:00 pm

Sage McTaggart will teach us how to identify some edible and medicinal plants on winter walks. Come prepared with a mug to enjoy some tasty teas during an often overlooked season!  All are welcome! Don't forget to dress for the weather.

Winter Sowing: DIY Milk Jug Greenhouses (Winter Series)

Sunday, February 25, 4:00 pm

Off-site, indoors @ CultureHouse Union Square

64 Union Square, Somerville

Get some cold hardy plants started for spring. Please bring a clear plastic milk jug, but we will have some extras. Soil and seeds available. Limited to 10, so please RSVP here.


Pub Sing (Music)

First & Third Tuesdays, 6:00-8:00 pm

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated! Covid precautions: Because singing is a relatively high-risk activity, please attend only if fully vaccinated, boosted, and symptom-free.

Contact: Jeff at 

Visit Growing Center Table at the Summer Camp & Activities Fair

@ East Somerville Community School (Outreach)

Thursday, March 7, 5:00-7:00 pm

50 Cross Street, Somerville 

Representatives from more than 20 summer programs in Somerville and the region will be on-hand to talk to families. Also enjoy free pizza and fun activities. The 2024 Summer Guide will be available to take home.

25th Annual Maple Boil Down (Educational)

Saturday, March 2, 2024 ~ 11:00 am to 2:00 pm

Rain/Weather Date: Saturday, March 9, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

All are invited! Join in the fun. As part of this project, a team of volunteers tapped a swath of maple trees on the Tufts campus beginning in late January, collecting dozens of gallons of sap over a number of weeks. At the Maple Boil Down, coordinated by the Somerville Community Growing Center, we'll boil it all down into real, true 100% hyper-local maple syrup. At this event, youth and adults alike will have a chance to learn about tree anatomy and physiology and experience the process of making fresh maple syrup first-hand. Read more about the Somerville Maple Syrup Project here.  

The Trustees' 48th Annual Gardeners’ Gathering (Outreach)

Saturday, March 16, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Shillman Hall, Northeastern University (115 Forsyth Street)

Celebrate the start of the gardening season! The 48th Annual Gardeners’ Gathering brings Boston-area gardeners together for a free day full of informative workshops, engaging exhibitors, networking, and inspiration. In honor of the 50th anniversary of Mel King’s Massachusetts Gardening and Farm Act, the Gathering will focus on celebrating our invaluable legacy gardeners, taking a look back on the incredible community growing work in Boston over the last half a century. Look for the Growing Center's table at this great event!

Yoga Practice with Jenn (Zoom) (Health/Wellness)

Sunday, March 24, 9:30-10:30 am

Join for yoga over Zoom for an hour of saluting the Sun, finding stillness in between movements, and embracing the winter season! Practice with local instructor, Jenn Falk with a requested donation to the Growing Center. 

Contact for link: Jenn at

Visit the Growing Center table at the Winter Farmers Market


Saturday, March 30, 9:30 am - 1:30 pm

Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Ave, Somerville

Come by our table at the Somerville Winter Farmers Market, where we’ll be hosting a Seed Swap! Dig through your seeds and see what you might spare to share. Come see what new varieties you might find and meet other growers–or try growing for the first time. We will have a limited supply of free native flower seeds to give away, harvested from the Growing Center.

Pub Sing (Music)

First & Third Tuesdays, 6:00-8:00 pm

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated! Covid precautions: Because singing is a relatively high-risk activity, please attend only if fully vaccinated, boosted, and symptom-free.

Contact: Jeff at 

Yoga Practice with Jenn (Zoom) (Health/Wellness)

Sunday, April 14, 9:30-10:30 am

Join for yoga over Zoom for an hour of saluting the Sun, finding stillness in between movements, and embracing the winter season! Practice with local instructor, Jenn Falk with a requested donation to the Growing Center. 

Contact for link: Jenn at

Earth Day Celebration: Pollinators, Planting & Possibilities


Saturday, April 20, 2:00-4:00 pm

Join us as we partner with the City of Somerville’s Office of Sustainability and Environment, Somerville Garden Club, Groundwork Somerville and others for an Earth Day celebration.  Get your hands and heart into participatory planting with free seeds/seedlings and nature based art. Make your own pollinator button while learning about biodiversity and the Somerville Pollinator Action Plan. Musical background provided by local duo Green Peppercorn.
Contact: Lisa at 

Connecting and Co-planning Gathering (Volunteer)

Sunday, April 21, 4:30-6:00 pm

at Connexion, 149 Broadway, East Somerville

As part of our Strategic Planning initiative, we invite all past, present and future Growing Center volunteers to gather for a late afternoon of socializing. In addition to meeting each other, we would be grateful for your assistance in strategizing ways that we can best meet the needs of our volunteers and the greater community.  

This is also an opportunity to meet Bethany Burke, who recently joined us as Operations Manager. This position was developed as part of earlier strategic planning, which identified the need to increase capacity to improve the impact of the Center's role in the lives of the city's residents. Light refreshments and chances to win some of the very precious 2024 Somerville Maple Syrup or seed packets from the Center!

RSVP to Bethany:

Plant Walk (Educational)

Wednesday, April 24, 5:30-6:30 pm

Come for an exploratory walk around the Center to observe and learn about the plants with host Mo Katz-Christy. What is growing now, what are some of the names and stories of some of the plants in this urban greenspace? Monthly walks will also be moving around the city and nearby towns, then circling back to the Center in the fall.

Contact: Lisa at

Flyer here

Yoga in the Garden (Health/Wellness)

Sunday, April 28, 9:30-10:30 am

An hour of mindful movement practice to turn off from obligations and connect to the body and mind. Offered by Jenn Pici Falk. 

Contact: Jenn at

Herb of the Month: Violet (Educational)

Sunday, April 28, 4:00-5:30 pm

Spend some afternoon time with clinical herbalist Mo Katz-Christy getting deeply acquainted with one medicinal plant each month! Learn through drawing, tasting, science and storytelling. Bring your journal and leave with an in-depth account of botany, history, clinical use and more.

Contact: Lisa at 

Flyer here


Spring Garden Day (Seasonal)

Saturday, May 4, 12:00-2:00 pm, Rain Date May 5

Celebrate spring with the annual Morris Dancing and participatory Maypole dance. Take home native seeds harvested at the Center. Bring and/ or take seeds or seedlings from a Seed Exchange Table.  Learn about local pollinators and the related City Action Plan.

Contact: Lisa at 


Foraging with Sage (Educational)

Sunday, May 5, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Sage McTaggart will teach us how to identify some edible and medicinal plants on walks in the Center and nearby.



Pub Sing (Music)

First & Third Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated! Covid precautions: Because singing is a relatively high-risk activity, please attend only if fully vaccinated, boosted, and symptom-free.

Contact: Jeff at 


Community Read Aloud (Children)

Wednesday, May 8, 3:00-4:00 pm

Bring a blanket and join our Community Read Aloud series in the garden with community guest readers. Readers will read in the language they prefer. All are welcome.  All are welcome, books will be suited to 2-7 year-olds. 

Contact: Paula,

Introduction to Plant and Wildlife Monitoring for Conservation with Earthwise Aware (Educational)

Saturday, May 11, 2:00-3:30 pm

Join Claire and Earthwise Aware (EwA) citizen scientists and learn how to observe and record the plants, insects, and animals of the Somerville Growing Center. Register here!

Contact: Claire O’Neill at 

Yoga with Jenn (Health/Wellness) CANCELLED - Moved to 6/2

Sunday, May 12, 9:30-10:30 am

An hour of mindful movement practice to turn off from obligations and connect to the body and mind. Offered by Jenn Pici Falk, who also offers some online sessions here

Contact: Jen at

Community Read Aloud (Children)

Wednesday, May 15, 3:00-4:00 pm

Bring a blanket and join our Community Read Aloud series in the garden with community guest readers. Readers will read in the language they prefer. All are welcome.  All are welcome, books will be suited to 2-7 year-olds. 

Contact: Paula,

Festa Junina Prep @ CultureHouse (Volunteer)

Sunday, May 19, 4:00-6:00 pm

For all ages! This crafting session will take place at the CultureHouse pop-up in Union Square, at 64 Union Square. Help prepare materials for the June 15 Festa Junina at the Growing Center. Just show up and have fun. Portuguese language-friendly activity.

Contact: Yumi at


Anthotypes Workshop (Educational)

Saturday, May 25, 1:00-3:00 pm, Rain Date June 1

Join local artist, photographer and gardener Mary Kocol for an anthotype demo showing how to extract color from plants to make images. Anthotype (flower print) is an eco-friendly photo-based process that uses colorful flowers and plant emulsion to create ephemeral images and photograms, using the sun to make exposures. For all ages and experience levels. Supported in part by funding from the Somerville Arts Council, a local commission supported by the City of Somerville and the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

Contact: Lisa at

Flyer here


Music by Greg Lawrence of Wayward Vine (Music)

Saturday, May 25, 4:00-6:00 pm

Wayward Vine is a Boston-based Americana and indie-folk band performing harmony-based originals, including their song “End of May.” Come join Greg and perhaps some other musical friends! Bring a chair or blanket, maybe a picnic with non-alcohol beverages or food from a Union Square business and enjoy music in a garden setting. In honor of the end of May, plant seedlings grown by Growing Center volunteers will be available to take home.

Contact: Liza at 


Community Read Aloud (Children)*

Sunday, May 26, 12:00-1:00 pm

Bring a blanket and join our Community Read Aloud series in the garden with community guest readers. Readers will read in the language they prefer. All are welcome.  All are welcome, books will be suited to 2-7 year-olds. 

Contact: Paula,

Herb of the Month: Lemon Balm (Educational)

Sunday, May 26, 4:00-5:30 pm

Spend some afternoon time with clinical herbalist Mo Katz-Christy getting deeply acquainted with one medicinal plant each month! Learn through drawing, tasting, science and storytelling. Bring your journal and leave with an in-depth account of botany, history, clinical use and more.

Contact: Lisa at 

Flyer here


Plant Walk with Mo (Educational)

Wednesday, May 29, 5:30-6:30 pm

Come for an exploratory walk around the Center to observe and learn about the plants with host Mo Katz-Christy. What is growing now, what are some of the names and stories of some of the plants in this urban greenspace? Monthly walks will also be moving around the city and nearby towns, then circling back to the Center in the fall.

Contact: Lisa at

Flyer here

Yoga with Jenn (Health/Wellness)

Sunday, June 2, 9:30-10:30 am

An hour of mindful movement practice to turn off from obligations and connect to the body and mind. Offered by Jenn Pici Falk, who also offers some online sessions here

Contact: Jen at

Community Read Aloud (Children)*

Sunday, June 2, 12:00-1:00 pm

Bring a blanket and join our Community Read Aloud series in the garden with community guest readers. Readers will read in the language they prefer. All are welcome.  All are welcome, books will be suited to 2-7 year-olds. 

Contact: Paula,

Growing Center Tabling/Outreach at Carnaval (Outreach)
Sunday, June 2, 2:00-6:00 pm
Rain Date: Sunday, June 9
Broadway, East Somerville: McGrath Highway-Pennsylvania Ave.

This event is an artistic and cultural celebration of the diverse community of East Somerville. Back for its 14th year, Carnaval brings even more fun for everyone. Enjoy delicious food, family activities, live music, and explore over 30 vendors, restaurants, and artisans. Be entertained by performances from Esh Circus, Grooversity, Capoeira, Timba Messengers, Let’s Vamos, and more.
Look for the Growing Center's table at this great event!

Pub Sing (Music)

First & Third Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated! Covid precautions: Because singing is a relatively high-risk activity, please attend only if fully vaccinated, boosted, and symptom-free.

Contact: Jeff at 

Introduction to Plant and Wildlife Monitoring for Conservation with Earthwise Aware (Educational)

Saturday, June 8, 2:00-3:30 pm

Join Claire and Earthwise Aware (EwA) citizen scientists and learn how to observe and record the plants, insects, and animals of the Somerville Growing Center. Register here!

Contact: Claire O’Neill at 

Spoken Word/Poetry Open Mic (Cultural)

Saturday, June 8, 6:00-9:00 pm

All invited to share spoken word poetry, first come-first served to sign up. Community agreements to keep everyone safe and supportive. Sign up ahead of time here.


Community Read Aloud (Children)

Wednesday, June 12, 4:00-5:00 pm

Bring a blanket and join our Community Read Aloud series in the garden with community guest readers. Readers will read in the language they prefer. All are welcome.  All are welcome, books will be suited to 2-7 year-olds. 

Contact: Paula,

Teddy Bears' Picnic (Children)

Thursday, June 16, 6:30-8:30 pm

Bring a picnic and your teddy bears (or other cuddly toys) and join with local families and friends of all ages. 

Contact: Courtney at  

Festa Junina / Brazilian Harvest Festival (Cultural)

Saturday, June 15, 1:00-4:30 pm

Rain Date: Sunday, June 16

Festa Junina is a traditional harvest celebration in Brazil. This Growing Center event will include craft stations (root printing, lantern making, making dance accessories), participatory Quadilha dancing, traditional foods and music by Trio Let's Vamos. It will also feature numerous Kamishibai created and presented by Yumi Izuyama, interweaving her Japanese and Brazilian roots. Supported in part by funding from the Somerville Arts Council, a local commission supported by the City of Somerville and the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

Contact: Yumi at

Yoga with Jenn (Health/Wellness)

Sunday, June 16, 9:30-10:30 am

An hour of mindful movement practice to turn off from obligations and connect to the body and mind. Offered by Jenn Pici Falk, who also offers some online sessions here

Contact: Jen at

Community Read Aloud (Children)*

Sunday, June 16, 11:30-12:30 pm

Bring a blanket and join our Community Read Aloud series in the garden with community guest readers. Readers will read in the language they prefer. All are welcome.  All are welcome, books will be suited to 2-7 year-olds. 

Contact: Paula,

*This event will not take place if Festa Junina Rain Date occurs.

Growing Center FUN-raiser to Celebrate Our 30th Anniversary


MOVED from June 22 to: 

Saturday, June 29, 2:00-5:00 pm  (NEW DATE!)

Kick off the start of summer with your friends and neighbors at the Growing Center! This spring marks the 30th Anniversary of the beginning of our programming, and we want to celebrate! Join us for Birthday Card making; Kids' Crafts; Button making; an archival activity; a Growing Center themed, pay-what-you-want bake sale.

Contact: Lisa at

Foraging with Sage (Educational)

Sunday, June 23, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Sage McTaggart will teach us how to identify some edible and medicinal plants on walks in the Center and nearby.


Plant Walk with Mo @ at East Branch Library (Educational)

Meet at East Branch Library, 115 Broadway, Somerville

Wednesday, June 26, 5:30-6:30 pm

Come for an exploratory walk around the Center to observe and learn about the plants with host Mo Katz-Christy. What is growing now, what are some of the names and stories of some of the plants in this urban greenspace? Monthly walks will also be moving around the city and nearby towns, then circling back to the Center in the fall.

Contact: Lisa at

Flyer here

Microgreens Workshop (Educational)

Wednesday, June 26, 7:00-8:00 pm

Join a local volunteer grower to learn how to grow microgreens at home! 

Contact: Lisa at

Herb of the Month: St. John's Wort (Educational)

Sunday, June 30, 4:00-5:30 pm

Spend some afternoon time with clinical herbalist Mo Katz-Christy getting deeply acquainted with one medicinal plant each month! Learn through drawing, tasting, science and storytelling. Bring your journal and leave with an in-depth account of botany, history, clinical use and more.

Registration Form

Contact: Lisa at 

Flyer here

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Yoga with Jenn (Health/Wellness)

Monday, July 1, 5:30-6:30 pm

An hour of mindful movement practice to turn off from obligations and connect to the body and mind. Offered by Jenn Pici Falk, who also offers some online sessions here

Contact: Jen at

Pub Sing (Music)

First & Third Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated! Covid precautions: Because singing is a relatively high-risk activity, please attend only if fully vaccinated, boosted, and symptom-free.

Contact: Jeff at 

Introduction to Plant and Wildlife Monitoring for Conservation with Earthwise Aware (Educational)

Saturday, July 6, 2:00-3:30 pm

Join Claire and Earthwise Aware (EwA) citizen scientists and learn how to observe and record the plants, insects, and animals of the Somerville Growing Center. Register here!

Contact: Claire O’Neill at 

Yoga with Jenn (Health/Wellness)

Tuesday, July 9, 5:30-6:30 pm

An hour of mindful movement practice to turn off from obligations and connect to the body and mind. Offered by Jenn Pici Falk, who also offers some online sessions here

Contact: Jen at

Community Read Aloud (Children)*

Wednesday, July 10, 4:00-5:00 pm

Bring a blanket and join our Community Read Aloud series in the garden with community guest readers. Readers will read in the language they prefer. All are welcome.  All are welcome, books will be suited to 2-7 year-olds. 

Contact: Paula,

Sourdough Bread Workshop (Educational)

Thursday, July 11, 7:00-8:00 pm

Join a local volunteer grower to learn how to bake sourdough bread at home! 

Contact: Lisa at

Growing Center Tabling/Outreach at ArtBeat (Outreach)

Saturday, July 13, Time TBD

Davis Square

Somerville’s longest running street festival in Davis Square.

At this year‘s festival, we will explore all that is wild, and the myriad ways this word can be interpreted. Whatever the art form or mode of expression, we seek performances and activities that are “out there,” weird, and exuberant. Let’s generate artistic expression by leaving polite society behind, and wandering into the wild.

Look for the Growing Center's table at this great event!

Music by Wayward Vine (Music)

Saturday, July 13, 6:30-8:00 pm

The gates will open at 6:00 for picnicking!

Wayward Vine is a Boston-based Americana and indie-folk band performing harmony-based originals. Bring a chair or blanket, maybe a picnic with non-alcohol beverages or food from a Union Square business and enjoy live music in a garden setting.

Contact: Liza at 

Community Read Aloud (Children)*

Sunday, July 14, 12:00-1:00 pm

Bring a blanket and join our Community Read Aloud series in the garden with community guest readers. Readers will read in the language they prefer. All are welcome.  All are welcome, books will be suited to 2-7 year-olds. 

Contact: Paula,

Community Read Aloud (Children)*

Wednesday, July 17, 4:00-5:00 pm

Bring a blanket and join our Community Read Aloud series in the garden with community guest readers. Readers will read in the language they prefer. All are welcome.  All are welcome, books will be suited to 2-7 year-olds. 

Contact: Paula,

Vegetable Fermentation Workshop (Educational)*

Thursday, July 18, 7:00-8:00 pm

Flora Spivak will discuss and demonstrate simple techniques for making sauerkraut and pickles at home. Sample recipes provided. Come learn and/or share your own experience and knowledge of these traditional methods of preserving food.

Contact: Lisa at

Hidden Colors of Nature 1: Exploring Solar Dyes with Plants (Educational)*

Saturday, July 20, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Rain Date: Sunday, July 21

A family friendly event, for all ages. Enjoy storytelling and hands-on activities to learn about creating dye colors using plant materials like flowers, onion skins and avocado pits and skins and utilizing the power of the sun! Please bring a glass jar to take home to see yarn change color over time.   At a second session on August 3, these materials can be used for a weaving project.



Poetry, Celebrating Amy Lowell (Cultural)

Saturday, July 20, 4:00-5:30 pm

Rain Date: Sunday, July 21, 5:30-7:00 pm

Come to the Center in celebration of the garden poetry of Amy Lowell, with readings from Jennifer Clarvoe, Lloyd Schwartz, and Denise Provost-in a garden setting. Conversation and an open mic will follow. Presented by the NE Poetry Club.


Herb of the Month: Calendula (Educational)

Sunday, July 21, 4:00-5:30 pm

Spend some afternoon time with clinical herbalist Mo Katz-Christy getting deeply acquainted with one medicinal plant each month! Learn through drawing, tasting, science and storytelling. Bring your journal and leave with an in-depth account of botany, history, clinical use and more.

Registration Form to come.

Contact: Lisa at 

Flyer here

Magical Ms. Kimberly's Musical Yoga 

Monday, July 22, 10:30-11:30 am
Learn how to use your magickal powers of Kindness, Gratitude, and Imagination through Yoga, Songs, Breath, Story, and Magical Mantras. Kimberly brings her guitar, singing bowl, koshi chime, and whimsical faery energy! Participants learn tools for self regulation, social emotional learning, and self love, all while singing, moving and having fun. The show features music from Kimberly's new album, Dream Sequence! Geared towards children ages 2-9, yet all are welcome! 

Kimberly Redd is a Priestess of Goddess, a Yoga Teacher, and a Musician. She has been educating children for 15 years, focusing the past 8 on mindfulness through music. She travels to schools, libraries, and festivals sharing her teachings of movement, breath, self love, and connection to nature through her original children’s music. She also serves as the Religious Ed Coordinator at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading. Check out all of her work at

Yoga with Jenn (Health/Wellness)

Tuesday, July 23, 5:30-6:30 pm

An hour of mindful movement practice to turn off from obligations and connect to the body and mind. Offered by Jenn Pici Falk, who also offers some online sessions here

Contact: Jen at

Moth Count

Tuesday, July 23, 7:45-9:30 pm

Join with member of Earthwise Aware at the Growing Center to help celebrate Moth Week with a nighttime moth count.

Kadanz Jazz: Standards, Caribbean/Latin Flavors* (Music)

Friday, July 26, 7:00-8:30 pm

Enjoy music in the garden, with local professional musicians sharing American Jazz Standards, with new twists integrating rhythms from Caribbean and Latin traditions. Led by Growing Center volunteer Mark Torgerson on guitar, who will be joined by keyboard, bass and percussion.

Contact: Mark at

Community Read Aloud (Children)*

Saturday, July 27, 10:00-11:00 am

Bring a blanket and join our Community Read Aloud series in the garden with community guest readers. Readers will read in the language they prefer. All are welcome.  All are welcome, books will be suited to 2-7 year-olds. 

Contact: Paula,

Foraging with Sage (Educational)

Sunday, July 28, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Sage McTaggart will teach us how to identify some edible and medicinal plants on walks in the Center and nearby.


Spoken Word/Poetry Open Mic (Cultural)

Sunday, July 28, 6:30-8:30 pm

All invited to share spoken word poetry, first come-first served to sign up. Community agreements to keep everyone safe and supportive. 


Community Read Aloud (Children)*

Wednesday, July 31, 4:00-5:00 pm

Bring a blanket and join our Community Read Aloud series in the garden with community guest readers. Readers will read in the language they prefer. All are welcome.  All are welcome, books will be suited to 2-7 year-olds. 

Contact: Paula,

Plant Walk with Mo @ at West Branch Library (Educational)

Meet at West Branch Library, 40 College Ave, Somerville

Wednesday, July 31, 5:30-6:30 pm

Come for an exploratory walk around the Center to observe and learn about the plants with host Mo Katz-Christy. What is growing now, what are some of the names and stories of some of the plants in this urban greenspace? Monthly walks will also be moving around the city and nearby towns, then circling back to the Center in the fall.

Contact: Lisa at

Flyer here

Hidden Colors of Nature 2: Weaving with Yarns from Solar Dyeing (Educational)*

Saturday, August 3, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Learn about dyeing with plant materials and the sun, through a show and tell of yarns dyed at the July 20 workshop. Use these yarns to weave a friendship bracelet or simple basket. Yarns and ribbons will be provided. If you attended in July, bring your yarn to show–and to weave. Rain Date: August 10.


Community Read Aloud (Children)*

Sunday, August 4, 12:00-1:00 pm

Bring a blanket and join our Community Read Aloud series in the garden with community guest readers. Readers will read in the language they prefer. All are welcome.  All are welcome, books will be suited to 2-7 year-olds. 

Contact: Paula,

Fresh Herbal Tea Workshop

Sunday, August 4, 2:00-3:30 pm

Discover the fragrance of fresh herbal tea blends! Bring a mug and come learn about the uses, flavors, and energies of different tea herbs. Part information and science, part sensory exploration, this class will be as playful as it is educational!

Stuffed Animal Campout (Children)

Sunday, August 4, 6:00-7:30 pm

Rain Date: Sunday, August 11

Kids are invited to drop off their stuffies for an overnight camping experience JUST for THE STUFFIES! Register your animal for "camp," listen to camping- themed stories and do some crafts. Then say good-night to your lovies for the evening - and follow along on Instagram and Facebook for updates on their activities. It'll be Party Time for just the animals, with garden exploration time, hide-and-seek, (pretend) s’mores making, singalongs, and more! 

Pick-up times: Monday, August 5, 8:30-9:30 am & 4:00-5:30 pm. More info:

Yoga with Jenn (Health/Wellness)

Monday, August 5, 5:30-6:30 pm

An hour of mindful movement practice to turn off from obligations and connect to the body and mind. Offered by Jenn Pici Falk, who also offers some online sessions here

Contact: Jen at

Growing Center Book Group

Monday, August 5, 7:00-8:00 pm
Join the Somerville Community Growing Center Book Club on August 5 and 19, and September 16 and 30 at 7:00 pm at the Growing Center. The book for this series is "The Last Fire Season" by Manjula Martin.

Pub Sing (Music)

First & Third Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated! Covid precautions: Because singing is a relatively high-risk activity, please attend only if fully vaccinated, boosted, and symptom-free.

Contact: Jeff at 

Environmental Short Films: Climate

Wednesday, August 7, 8:00-9:30 pm

Come enjoy short environmental films and lively discussion in a garden setting. August 7: Climate Change. August 28: Pollinators.

The Growing Center Participates in the SAC's Yart Sale! (Cultural)

Saturday, August 10, 12:00-5:00 pm

It’s the Somerville Arts Council’s 4th Annual Yart Sale – with the Growing Center offering space for a range of vendors for this event, like a Yard Sale, only for art. Expect to see a range of products and activities like live art, handmade objects, band merch, art supplies, collectible items or even plants! Interested in selling your art at the Growing Center that day?  Fill out this form by July 31. (FYI - there is no vendor fee!)

Contact: Betsy at

Introduction to Plant and Wildlife Monitoring for Conservation with Earthwise Aware (Educational)

Saturday, August 10, 2:00-3:30 pm

Join Claire and Earthwise Aware (EwA) citizen scientists and learn how to observe and record the plants, insects, and animals of the Somerville Growing Center. Register here!

Contact: Claire O’Neill at 

Community Read Aloud (Children)*

Wednesday, August 14, 4:00-5:00 pm

Bring a blanket and join our Community Read Aloud series in the garden with community guest readers. Readers will read in the language they prefer. All are welcome.  All are welcome, books will be suited to 2-7 year-olds. 

Contact: Paula,

Isabella Stewart Gardner & Her Passion for Horticulture (Educational)

Sunday, August 18, 3:00-4:00 pm

Presented in first-person narrative and set in 1910, this program will feature historical performer Jessa Piaia, who will focus on Gardner's involvement with and passion for community gardening. Gardner cultivated a variety of blooms in the greenhouses situated on her Green Hill estate in Brookline, displayed in her living collection at the Fenway Palace courtyard. Ms. Piaia has been portraying the historical character of Isabella Stewart Gardner at cultural and educational venues throughout New England for over 30 years. A Q&A will follow. More information can be found at

Herb of the Month: Marshmallow (Educational)

Sunday, August 18, 4:00-5:30 pm

Spend some afternoon time with clinical herbalist Mo Katz-Christy getting deeply acquainted with one medicinal plant each month! Learn through drawing, tasting, science and storytelling. Bring your journal and leave with an in-depth account of botany, history, clinical use and more.

Registration Form to come.

Contact: Lisa at 

Flyer here

Isabella Stewart Gardner and her Passion for Horticulture

Sunday, August 18, 3:00-4:00 pm

Character reenactor Jessa Piaia will present a dramatic portrayal of Isabella Stewart Gardener (1840-1924) focused on her passion for horticulture. A first-person narrative by Mrs. Gardner will delve into her role as an early advocate of "community gardening", bringing to life her commitment to the spiritual dimension of gardening as a physical oasis within our urban setting. Presentation followed by Q&A.

Contact: Lisa at 

Growing Center Book Group

Monday, August 19, 7:00-8:00 pm
Join the Somerville Community Growing Center Book Club on August 5 and 19, and September 16 and 30 at 7:00 pm at the Growing Center. The book for this series is "The Last Fire Season" by Manjula Martin.

Community Read Aloud (Children)*

Wednesday, August 28, 4:00-5:00 pm

Bring a blanket and join our Community Read Aloud series in the garden with community guest readers. Readers will read in the language they prefer. All are welcome.  All are welcome, books will be suited to 2-7 year-olds. 

Contact: Paula,

Plant Walk with Mo @ at Central Library (Educational)

Meet at Central Library, 79 Highland Ave, Somerville

Wednesday, August 28, 5:30-6:30 pm

Come for an exploratory walk around the Center to observe and learn about the plants with host Mo Katz-Christy. What is growing now, what are some of the names and stories of some of the plants in this urban greenspace? Monthly walks will also be moving around the city and nearby towns, then circling back to the Center in the fall.

Contact: Lisa at

Flyer here

Environmental Short Films: Pollinators

Wednesday, August 28, 8:00-9:30 pm

Come enjoy short environmental films and lively discussion in a garden setting. August 7: Climate Change. August 28: Pollinators.

Foraging with Sage (Educational)

Sunday, August 25, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Sage McTaggart will teach us how to identify some edible and medicinal plants on walks in the Center and nearby.


Spoken Word/Poetry Open Mic (Cultural)

Sunday, August 25, 4:00-5:30 pm

All invited to share spoken word poetry, first come-first served to sign up. Community agreements to keep everyone safe and supportive. Sign up ahead of time here.




Nature-based Yoga for Beginners

Sunday, September 1, 1:00-2:00 pm

The Mystic River Watershed Association presents Nature Based Yoga for Beginners, a free all-levels yoga class centering on the theme of beginning. For ages 12 and older. Bring a yoga mat if you have one! Contact Natalia at

Pub Sing (Music)

First & Third Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated! Covid precautions: Because singing is a relatively high-risk activity, please attend only if fully vaccinated, boosted, and symptom-free.

Contact: Jeff at 

Gathering of the Fairies (Children)

Saturday, September 7, 2:00-5:00 pm

Rain Date: Sunday, September 8, 2:00-5:00 pm

Celebratory activities in the garden for fairies and their friends include storytelling, building a fairy house and creating a fairy wand. Everyone is invited to come dressed up as their favorite magical being. Donations are encouraged to support the Growing Center and future Gatherings of the Fairies.

Contact: Betsy at

Yoga with Jenn (Health/Wellness)

Tuesday, September 10, 5:30-6:30 pm

An hour of mindful movement practice to turn off from obligations and connect to the body and mind. Offered by Jenn Pici Falk, who also offers some online sessions here

Contact: Jen at

Community Read Aloud (Children)*

Wednesday, September 11, 4:00-5:00 pm

Bring a blanket and join our Community Read Aloud series in the garden with community guest readers. Readers will read in the language they prefer. All are welcome.  All are welcome, books will be suited to 2-7 year-olds. 

Contact: Paula,

Growing Center at the Union Square Farmers Market

Saturday, September 14, 9:00 am  - 1:00 pm

Stop by our table at the Union Square Farmers Market! We'll have some sort of spring nature activity going on, and also fliers for all of our upcoming events on hand!

Introduction to Plant and Wildlife Monitoring for Conservation with Earthwise Aware (Educational)

Saturday, September 14, 2:00-3:30 pm

Join Claire and Earthwise Aware (EwA) citizen scientists and learn how to observe and record the plants, insects, and animals of the Somerville Growing Center. Register here!

Contact: Claire O’Neill at 

Growing Center Book Group

Monday, September 16, 7:00-8:00 pm
Join the Somerville Community Growing Center Book Club on August 5 and 19, and September 16 and 30 at 7:00 pm at the Growing Center. The book for this series is "The Last Fire Season" by Manjula Martin.

Community Read Aloud (Children)*

Wednesday, September 18, 4:00-5:00 pm

Bring a blanket and join our Community Read Aloud series in the garden with community guest readers. Readers will read in the language they prefer. All are welcome.  All are welcome, books will be suited to 2-7 year-olds. 

Contact: Paula,

Yoga with Jenn (Health/Wellness)

Tuesday, September 24, 5:30-6:30 pm

An hour of mindful movement practice to turn off from obligations and connect to the body and mind. Offered by Jenn Pici Falk, who also offers some online sessions here

Contact: Jen at


Plant Walk with Mo @ at Cambridge Public Library (Educational)

Meet at Cambridge O'Neill Branch Library

70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge

Wednesday, September 25, 5:30-6:30 pm

Come for an exploratory walk around the Center to observe and learn about the plants with host Mo Katz-Christy. What is growing now, what are some of the names and stories of some of the plants in this urban greenspace? Monthly walks will also be moving around the city and nearby towns, then circling back to the Center in the fall.

Contact: Lisa at

Flyer here

Harvest Festival (Seasonal)

Saturday, September 28, 1:30-3:30 pm

Rain Date: September 29

Harvest activities and games, pumpkin decorating and a celebration of the bounty nature shares with us throughout the year. Explore the harvesting ways our our visiting pollinators through games and tours with Earthwise Aware and the Somerville Garden Club.
Contact: Lisa at 

Herb of the Month: Mint (Educational)

Sunday, September 29, 4:00-5:30 pm

Spend some afternoon time with clinical herbalist Mo Katz-Christy getting deeply acquainted with one medicinal plant each month! Learn through drawing, tasting, science and storytelling. Bring your journal and leave with an in-depth account of botany, history, clinical use and more.

Registration Form to come.

Contact: Lisa at 

Flyer here

Growing Center Book Group

Monday, September 30, 7:00-8:00 pm
Join the Somerville Community Growing Center Book Club on August 5 and 19, and September 16 and 30 at 7:00 pm at the Growing Center. The book for this series is "The Last Fire Season" by Manjula Martin.

Pub Sing (Music)

First & Third Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated! Covid precautions: Because singing is a relatively high-risk activity, please attend only if fully vaccinated, boosted, and symptom-free.

Contact: Jeff at 

Community Read Aloud (Children)*

Wednesday, October 9, 4:00-5:00 pm

Bring a blanket and join our Community Read Aloud series in the garden with community guest readers. Readers will read in the language they prefer. All are welcome.  All are welcome, books will be suited to 2-7 year-olds. 

Contact: Paula,

Introduction to Plant and Wildlife Monitoring for Conservation with Earthwise Aware (Educational)

Saturday, October 12, 2:00-3:30 pm

Join Claire and Earthwise Aware (EwA) citizen scientists and learn how to observe and record the plants, insects, and animals of the Somerville Growing Center. Register here!

Contact: Claire O’Neill at 

Herb of the Month: Tulsi (Educational)

Sunday, October 13, 4:00-5:30 pm

Spend some afternoon time with clinical herbalist Mo Katz-Christy getting deeply acquainted with one medicinal plant each month! Learn through drawing, tasting, science and storytelling. Bring your journal and leave with an in-depth account of botany, history, clinical use and more.

Registration Form to come.

Contact: Lisa at 

Flyer here

Seasonal Salvage Sale & Makers' Market (Fundraiser)

Saturday, October 19, 12:00-5:00 pm

An innovative Yard Sale in two parts: the first a curated, seasonally-themed sale featuring salvaged housewares, clothing, jewelry, books and decorative items; the second, a craft/artisan fair offering everything from clothing to prints to jewelry. More info to come!

Contact: Betsy Larkin at

Plant Walk with Mo @ at Medford Public Library (Educational)

Meet at Charlotte & William Bloomberg Public Library, Medford

111 High Street, Medford

Wednesday, October 30, 4:30-5:30 pm

Come for an exploratory walk around the Medford Library to observe and learn about the plants with host Mo Katz-Christy. What is growing now, what are some of the names and stories of some of the plants in this urban neighborhood? Monthly walks will be moving around the city and nearby towns, then circling back to the Center in the fall.

Contact: Lisa at

Flyer here


Pub Sing (Music)

First & Third Tuesdays, 6:00-8:00 pm (note earlier time)

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated! Covid precautions: Because singing is a relatively high-risk activity, please attend only if fully vaccinated, boosted, and symptom-free.

Contact: Jeff at 

Plant Walk with Mo @ at the Growing Center (Educational)

Meet at Somerville Community Growing Center

22 Vinal Avenue, Somerville

Wednesday, November 20, 3:30-4:30 pm

We circle back to the Growing Center for this final plant walk of the year. Come for an exploratory walk around the Growing Center to observe and learn about the plants with host Mo Katz-Christy. What is growing now, what are some of the names and stories of some of the plants in this urban greenspace?

Contact: Lisa at

Flyer here

Herb of the Month: Burdock (Educational)

Sunday, November 24, 3:00-4:30 pm

Spend some afternoon time with clinical herbalist Mo Katz-Christy getting deeply acquainted with one medicinal plant each month! Learn through drawing, tasting, science and storytelling. Bring your journal and leave with an in-depth account of botany, history, clinical use and more.

Registration Form to come.

Contact: Lisa at 

Flyer here

Pub Sing (Music)

First & Third Tuesdays, 6:00-8:00 pm (note earlier time)

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated! Covid precautions: Because singing is a relatively high-risk activity, please attend only if fully vaccinated, boosted, and symptom-free.

Contact: Jeff at 

Donate with PayPal

Visit the Growing Center at: 

22 Vinal Ave, Somerville, MA 02143

Mailing Address: P. O. Box 76

Somervillle, MA 02143


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