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Join Us for Our 2023 Events - Free and Open to All! 

Participe en nues
tros actos de 2023: ¡gratuitos y abiertos a todos!

NOTE: Many of our programs have Facebook events. Check out our Facebook page to look them up!

NOTA: Muchos de nuestros programas tienen eventos en Facebook. ¡Visite nuestra página de Facebook!

For cancellations, date changes and updates: View our NEW Updates Page or visit our Facebook page!

Para cancelaciones, cambios de fecha y actualizaciones: Visite
nuestra página de Facebook o siga este enlace
para verlo todo en una sola página.


Food & Growing series flier

(all season)

español, português


-Growing & Thriving food workshops 

-Community Herb Project series

-Herb of the Month)


Arts/Culture/Music events flier (all season) Includes:

-Open Hours for the Arts,

-Craft Ensemble quartet)

-Kadanz Jazz

Folleto en español


Climate Arts Convening

(Saturday, June 17)

at Somernova

(15 Properzi Way)

Festa Junina.png

Gathering of the Fairies 

flier (Sept 16)

Reading Frederick Douglass.jpg

Reading Frederick Douglass

Wednesday, June 28, 5-6:30 pm

at Bow Market

(1 Bow Market Way, Somerville)


NOTE ABOUT 2023 EVENTS: Events noted with an * asterisk are supported in part by a grant from the Somerville Arts Council, a local commission supported by the City of Somerville. And we thank the Massachusetts Cultural Council for general funding support.


Pub Sings                                                        Music

Tuesdays, January 3 and 17, 6:00-8:00 pm

Tuesdays, February 7 and 21, 6:00-8:00 pm

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated!

Contact: Jeff at 

Yoga Practice with Jenn (Zoom)                          Health/Wellness

Sundays, January 8 & 22, 10:00-11:00 am

Join for yoga over Zoom for an hour of saluting the Sun, finding stillness in between movements, and embracing the winter season! Practice with local instructor, Jenn Falk with a requested donation to the Growing Center. See Facebook event for more information.

Sap on Tap! A Maple Syrup Project Kickoff Event    Educational

Sunday, January 8, 5:00-7:00 pm

At Aeronaut Brewing Company, 14 Tyler Street, Somerville

Join the Somerville Community Growing Center and Groundwork Somerville at Aeronaut Brewing Co. for our first-ever collaborative Maple Beer Event! Aeronaut has said their Maple Beer will be available for purchase (among other beer offerings) - made with sap tapped from Tufts campus trees by Growing Center volunteers last winter! And we’ll provide snacks, history and background on the Maple Boil, which in 2022 inspired Aeronaut's creation. We encourage anyone interested in learning about and/or volunteering for the Maple Syrup Project to attend. The $5 suggested donation will help pay for materials costs needed to keep the project continuing, including storage buckets, taps, upgrades on safety equipment, fire bricks, jars and labels.

More info / RSVP here:

Friends of the Growing Center Annual Meeting      Educational

Sunday, January 29, 3:00-4:30 pm     

Join us at CultureHouse Headquarters, 16 Union Square (next to Mama Gina’s Pizza), where the Friends will share our accomplishments and challenges from the 2022 calendar year, including visitor and volunteer numbers and statistics & fundraising and financial data; present the budget for the year ahead; and approve the proposed slate of Board Members and Officers. We will also share special opportunities as we head into our 30th year and related reflection/planning activities in the near future. All are invited! More info and to see the recorded presentation visit our Annual Meeting page.

Winter in the Garden: Winter Foraging                Winter Series

Sunday, February 12, 12:00-2:00 pm

Sage McTaggart will teach us how to identify some edible and medicinal plants on winter walks. Come prepared with a mug to enjoy some tasty teas during an often overlooked season. All are welcome! Don't forget to dress for the weather. Facebook event.


Winter in the Garden:                                         Winter Series

Winter Sowing with DIY Milk Jug Greenhouses     

Saturday, March 4, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Rain Date: Saturday, March 18, 12:00-2:00 pm

Get plants started for spring! Please bring a plastic milk jug if you have one (we will have some extra). Soil and seeds will be available. All are welcome! Don't forget to dress for the weather.

Facebook event

Pub Sings                                                          Music

Tuesdays, March 7 and 21, 6:00-8:00 pm

Tuesdays, April 4 and 18, 6:00-8:00 pm

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated!

Contact: Jeff at 

Introduction to Plant and Wildlife Monitoring          Educational

for Conservation with Earthwise Aware     

Saturday, April 8, 2-3:30 pm

Join Claire and Earthwise Aware (EwA) citizen scientists and learn how to observe and record the plants, insects, and animals of the Somerville Growing Center. With these observation events and through the EwA photo documentation using the iNaturalist platform, we contribute to biodiversity science while enjoying the outdoors together in this beautiful little garden. Also learn about EwA’s arthropod (insect and spider) and phenology studies at the Growing Center.

Contact: Claire O’Neill at

24th Annual Maple Boil Down                             Educational

Saturday, March 11, 2023 ~ 11:00 am to 2:00 pm

Rain/Weather Date: Sunday, March 12, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

All are invited! Join in the fun. As part of this project, a team of volunteers tapped a swath of maple trees on the Tufts campus beginning in late January, collecting dozens of gallons of sap over a number of weeks. At the Maple Boil Down, coordinated by the Somerville Community Growing Center with help from Groundwork Somerville, we'll boil it all down into real, true 100% hyper-local maple syrup. At this event, youth and adults alike will have a chance to learn about tree anatomy and physiology, experience the process of making fresh maple syrup first-hand, and even get to sample the sap as it's boiling. Read more about the Somerville Maple Syrup Project here. View the flier here.

The Way of the Maple: Workshop                        Educational

Saturday, March 18, 10:00-11:30 am

Explore with us the life of maple species: their life process, their ecological function, their importance for plants and animals (including us, one of the animal species relying upon them), and how they help scientists assess climate change effects on our region. You’ll also learn how to document their seasonal developmental phases (known as phenology) to support conservation programs and local and national scientific studies. Presented by Claire O’Neill, founder of Earthwise Aware (EwA) and the director of its Biodiversity & Climate Participatory Science program. This workshop is being offered in collaboration with Groundwork Somerville and is part of the Somerville Maple Syrup Project. Registration is required as we will cap this event at 15 participants. The $15 suggested donation will support Earthwise Aware and costs associated with the Maple Boil Down. Register online here.

Winter in the Garden: Winter Foraging                 Winter Series

Sunday, March 19, 12:00-2:00 pm

Sage McTaggart will teach us how to identify some edible and medicinal plants on winter walks. Come prepared with a mug to enjoy some tasty teas during an often overlooked season. All are welcome! Don't forget to dress for the weather. Facebook event.

A Year Searching for Bugs (+ How You Can Help)     Educational


Wednesday, March 26, 6:00 pm     

A bug retrospective: EwA will share data and stunning photos from its insect studies over the past years, and invite all to join the effort.

We would like to invite the guest to ask questions that we will answer at the time of the presentation (provided we have answers). Email us ( with your questions.

Facebook event

Volunteer Orientation                                     Volunteer Training

Tuesday, March 28, 5:30-7:00 pm &

Saturday, April 8, 9:30-11:00 am

Learn about the site, how to safely access it, our volunteer opportunities, and a little history of the Growing Center. To register, fill out the Volunteer Interest Form (scroll to the bottom) or email our volunteer coordinator:


Earth Day: Creatively Celebrating the Earth Together     Seasonal

Saturday, April 22, 1:00-4:00 pm

Rain Date: Saturday, April 29, 1:00-4:00 pm

Facebook Event

Join us as we partner with the City of Somerville’s Office of Sustainability and Environment and the Climate Coalition of Somerville for an Earth Day celebration with participatory gardening and nature based art activities, learning about biodiversity and attracting pollinators to urban settings. Kick off the Climate Coalition of Somerville's “Convenings to Create Transformative Climate and Arts Collaborations” with musical inspiration from the Second Line Social Aid and Pleasure Society Brass Band. Supported in part by a grant from the Somerville Arts Council, a local commission supported by the City of Somerville. And we thank the Massachusetts Cultural Council for general funding support.  Contact: Lisa at 

Open Hours for the Arts: Music                                 Cultural

Sunday, April 23, 4:00-5:30 pm

Join Mark Sq'd (GC volunteers Mark Chenevert and Mark Torgerson) with your instrument for open music/jam session in

Contact: Lisa at 

Volunteer Orientation                                     Volunteer Training

Tuesday, April 25, 5:30-7:00 pm

Learn about the site, how to safely access it, our volunteer opportunities, and a little history of the Growing Center. To register, fill out the Volunteer Interest Form (scroll to the bottom) or email our volunteer coordinator:



Pub Sings                                                      Music

Tuesdays, May 2 and 16, 7:00-9:00 pm

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated!

Contact: Jeff at 


Soil Health and Crop Planning Herbs + Vegetables   Educational


Thursday, May 4, 6:00 pm     

Facebook Event

Join us for a virtual workshop, with Michelle de Lima, of the Trustees Boston Community Gardens, on soil health and planning your edible plantings from early spring through the fall. We will focus on raised bed and container gardening. Register here to receive the link.  


Yoga in the Garden                                          Health/Wellness

Sunday, May 7, 9:30-10:30 am

An hour of mindful movement practice to turn off from obligations and connect to the body and mind. Offered by Jenn Pici Falk, who also offers some online sessions here

Contact: Jenn at


Community Read Aloud and Growing Together    Children

Sunday, May 7, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Our new Community Read Aloud in the garden starts with guest reader Ron Grady, educator and children’s book author!  Program will be in English. All ages welcome. Program is focused on ages 1-8. 

Contact: Paula at 


Community Read Aloud and Growing Together    Children

Monday, May 8, 4:00-5:00 pm 

Our Community Read Aloud in the garden continues with guest reader Valerie Williams. All ages welcome. Program is focused on ages 1-8. 

Contact: Paula at 


Nibbling on Native Plants in Your Back Yard + Beyond   Educational


Tuesday, May 9, 7:30-9:00 pm     

View the recording here!

Join the Growing Center and the Mystic Charles Pollinator Pathway for an evening talk with Russ Cohen, expert forager and author of Wild Plants I Have Known…and Eaten, will offer a slideshow featuring over two dozen species of native edible wild plants suitable for adding to your own landscape, or nibbling on as you encounter them in other locales.  Keys to the identification of each species will be provided, along with edible portion(s), season(s) of availability and preparation method(s), along with guidelines for safe, ethical and environmentally responsible foraging.  Russ will also include a few details regarding some native edible plants he has grown successfully from seed, and the partnerships he has made with conservation groups and others to add edible native plants to their landscapes. Join us for this special free evening with the "Johnny Appleseed of Edible Native Plants", as featured in the Spring 2019 issue of the Wild Ones Journal. Link here to join; meeting ID 892 8205 8022, passcode 021913.

Contact: Lisa at 

Volunteer Orientation                                     Volunteer Training

Saturday, May 13, 9:30-11:00 am

Learn about the site, how to safely access it, our volunteer opportunities, and a little history of the Growing Center. To register, fill out the Volunteer Interest Form (scroll to the bottom) or email our volunteer coordinator:

Introduction to Plant and Wildlife Monitoring        Educational

for Conservation with Earthwise Aware     

Saturday, May 13, 2-3:30 pm

Join Claire and Earthwise Aware (EwA) citizen scientists and learn how to observe and record the plants, insects, and animals of the Somerville Growing Center. With these observation events and through the EwA photo documentation using the iNaturalist platform, we contribute to biodiversity science while enjoying the outdoors together in this beautiful little garden. Also learn about EwA’s arthropod (insect and spider) and phenology studies at the Growing Center.

Contact: Claire O’Neill at


Natural History Hour                                         Educational

Saturday, May 13, 4:00-5:00 pm

Explore and learn about local natural history at the Center in nearby neighborhoods with Claire from Earthwise Aware (EwA). Topics may include trees, birds and more! (Will likely involve walking, perhaps including hilly streets.

Contact: Claire O’Neill at


Spring Garden Day                                           Seasonal

Sunday, May 14 12:00-2:00 pm

Rain Date: Sunday, May 21

Celebrate spring with the annual Morris Dancing and participatory Maypole dance. Take home native seeds harvested at the Center. Bring or take seeds from a Seed Exchange Table.  

Contact: Lisa at 


The Sun Rises in Somerville: Craft Ensemble*         Music

Saturday, May 20, 3:00 pm (Postponed due to rain)

NEW DATE: Thursday, May 25, 7:00 pm

The Craft Ensemble comprises a core string quartet of Colleen Brannen and Amy Sims on violin, violist Amelia Hollander Ames, and Velleda Miragias on cello. Come enjoy “chamber music among friends” in a garden setting. For more information, visit their Facebook page or website.

Volunteer Orientation                                     Volunteer Training

Tuesday, May 23, 5:30-7:00 pm

Learn about the site, how to safely access it, our volunteer opportunities, and a little history of the Growing Center. To register, fill out the Volunteer Interest Form (scroll to the bottom) or email our volunteer coordinator:

Microgreens Workshop with Ceilidh Peden-Spear     Educational

Tuesday, May 23, 7:00-8:00 pm

Join Ceilidh Peden-Spear to learn how to grow microgreens at home! Limited supply of starting kits will be available. 

Contact: Lisa at 

Community Read Aloud and Growing Together    Children

Saturday, May 27, 4:00-5:00 pm

Our new Community Read Aloud in the garden continues with guest reader Mariana Oscar. Mariana will read in Spanish and English, todos son bienvenidos. All ages welcome. Program is focused on ages 1-8. 

Contact: Paula at 


Mr. Twister and the Tale of Tornado Alley*           Children

Saturday, June 3 ~ 2:00 pm puppet making workshop, 2:30 pm performance (Registration Link for the puppet making workshop)

Rain location: Connexion, 149 Broadway in East Somerville

Mr. Twister and the Tale of Tornado Alley follows the title character and his grandson Bobby on a journey around the globe - from the chilly arctic to the sizzling warmth of the Gulf of Mexico. Through the power of his magic telescope, Mr. Twister can see just about everything - except the family reunion of the North and South winds that’s about to create a cyclone in Tornado Alley!! Join us for an operatic adventure of global proportions; come early for puppet workshop to join the drama! Appropriate for ages 5+. 

Registration Link for the puppet making workshop.

Contact: Lisa at 


Herb of the Month with Mo: Violet              Educational

Monday, June 5, 7-8:30 pm

Explore a different herb each month with herbalist Mo Katz-Christy as part of our Community Herb Project.

Contact: Paula at 


Red Fire Farm CSA distribution                          CSA Partner

Weekly, Wednesdays, June 7 to Oct 11, 3:30-6:30 pm

Sign up here to order a weekly farm share to be picked up at the Center for 20 weeks.

Contact: Red Fire Farm at 


Community Read Aloud and Growing Together     Children

Wednesday, weekly, June 7, 14 & 21, 4:00-5:00 pm 

Our new Community Read Aloud in the garden continues with guest reader Valerie Williams. All ages welcome. Program is focused on ages 1-8.

Contact: Paula at 


Pub Sings                                                          Music

Tuesdays, June 6 and 20, 7:00-9:00 pm

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated!

Contact: Jeff at 


Sourdough Bread Making with Jan Kassay            Educational

Thursday, June 8, 8:00-9:00 pm

Rain Location: CultureHouse HQ, 16 Union Sq, Somerville

Join volunteer Jan Kassay to explore the wonders and delights of creating your own sourdough bread at home. Learn tips and techniques from A-Z in this workshop.  Share your stories–and some limited sourdough starter will be available.

Contact: Lisa at 

Volunteer Orientation                                     Volunteer Training

Saturday, June 10, 9:30-11:00 am

Learn about the site, how to safely access it, our volunteer opportunities, and a little history of the Growing Center. To register, fill out the Volunteer Interest Form (scroll to the bottom) or email our volunteer coordinator:

Introduction to Plant and Wildlife Monitoring       Educational

for Conservation with Earthwise Aware                 

Saturday, June 10, 2-3:30 pm

Join Claire and Earthwise Aware (EwA) citizen scientists and learn how to observe and record the plants, insects, and animals of the Somerville Growing Center. With these observation events and through the EwA photo documentation using the iNaturalist platform, we contribute to biodiversity science while enjoying the outdoors together in this beautiful little garden. Also learn about EwA’s arthropod (insect and spider) and phenology studies at the Growing Center.

Contact: Claire O’Neill at


Natural History Hour                                           Educational

Saturday, June 10, 4:00-5:00 pm

Explore and learn about local natural history at the Center in nearby neighborhoods with Claire from Earthwise Aware (EwA). Topics may include trees, birds and more! (Will likely involve walking, perhaps including hilly streets.

Contact: Claire O’Neill at


Pollinator Safari                                                 Educational

Sunday, June 11, 1:00 -2:30 pm

Join members of the Tufts Pollinator Initiative for this all ages friendly exploration in the garden to learn about local biodiversity and relationships between native plants and insects and other pollinators. For all ages!

Contact: Nick Dorian at 


The Sun Rises in Somerville: Craft Ensemble*        Music

Sunday, June 11, 5:00 pm

Rain Date: Sunday, June 18, 3:00 pm

The Craft Ensemble comprises a core string quartet of Colleen Brannen and Amy Sims on violin, violist Amelia Hollander Ames, and Velleda Miragias on cello. Come enjoy “chamber music among friends” in a garden setting. For more information, visit their Facebook page or website.

Community Read Aloud and Growing Together     Children

Wednesday, weekly, June 7, 14 & 21, 4:00-5:00 pm 

Our new Community Read Aloud in the garden continues with guest reader Valerie Williams. All ages welcome. Program is focused on ages 1-8.

Contact: Paula at 


Fermented Dairy with Ceilidh Peden-Spear           Educational

Thursday, June 15, 7:00-8:00 pm

Join Ceilidh Peden-Spear to learn about making yogurt, kefir and more at home. Some limited starter grains will be available.

Contact: Lisa at 

Teddy Bears' Picnic                                           Children

Friday June 16, 6:30-8:30 pm

Rain Date TBD 

Bring a picnic and your teddy bears (or other cuddly toys) and join with local families and friends of all ages. 

Contact: Courtney at  

Climate Arts Convening   (View the flier here)

Saturday, June 17, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

At Somernova, 15 Properzi Way, Somerville

Want to connect with artists and activists and create projects that move people to take action on climate and environmental issues? Join our in-person gathering! Interpretation in Spanish and Portuguese available, plus refreshments. In collaboration with the Climate Coalition of Somerville. Supported in part by funding from the local arts commission, the Somerville Arts Council, and the Mass Cultural Council and the City of Somerville.

Open Hours for the Arts: Bouquet and Cyanotype    Cultural

Saturday, June 17, 12:00-2:00 pm

(Moved to Rain Date from June 10)

Offered by Terra+Soma, in this event, we aim to bring together community members to engage in a fun workshop that incorporates nature and art. Attendees will be able to photograph and interact with the landscape around them by taking and developing cyanotype photos and assembling native plant bouquets. This event is geared towards adults of all ages but children are more than welcome. Be part of this experimental series of open hours with a special focus!

Contact: Paula at 

Yoga in the Garden                                          Health/Wellness

Sunday, June 18, 9:30-10:30 am

An hour of mindful movement practice to turn off from obligations and connect to the body and mind. Offered by Jenn Pici Falk, who also offers some online sessions here

Contact: Jenn at


Community Read Aloud and Growing Together    Children

Sunday, June 18, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 

Community Read Aloud in the garden continues with guest reader Kathleen Flynn. All ages welcome. Program is focused on ages 1-8.

Contact: Paula at 

Herb of the Month with Mo: Lemon Balm            Educational

Sunday, June 18, 4:30-6:00 pm

Explore a different herb each month with herbalist Mo Katz-Christy as part of our Community Herb Project.

Contact: Paula at 

Community Read Aloud and Growing Together     Children

Wednesday, weekly, June 7, 14 & 21, 4:00-5:00 pm 

Our new Community Read Aloud in the garden continues with guest reader Valerie Williams. All ages welcome. Program is focused on ages 1-8.

Contact: Paula at 


Kadanz Jazz: Standards, Caribbean/Latin Flavors*  Music

Thursday, June 22, 7:00-8:30 pm

Enjoy music in the garden, with local professional musicians sharing American Jazz Standards, with new twists integrating rhythms from Caribbean and Latin traditions. Led by Growing Center volunteer Mark Torgerson on guitar, who will be joined by keyboard, bass and percussion.

Contact: Mark at   


Festa Junina/ Brazilian Harvest Festival*            ​Cultural

Saturday, June 24, 1:00-6:00 pm

Rain Date: Sunday, June 25

Festa Junina is a traditional harvest celebration in Brazil.  This Growing Center event will include craft stations (root printing, lantern making, making dance accessories), participatory Quadilha dancing, traditional treats and music by Receita de Samba Duo. It will also feature numerous Kamishibai created and presented by Yumi Izuyama, interweaving her Japanese and Brazilian roots.

Contact: Yumi at


Volunteer Orientation                                     Volunteer Training

Tuesday, June 27, 5:30-7:00 pm

We ask that new volunteers attend a one-hour orientation with us at the Growing Center to learn about the site, how to safely access it, our volunteer opportunities, and a little history of the Growing Center. To register, fill out the Volunteer Interest Form (scroll to the bottom) or email our volunteer coordinator:

Open Hours for the Arts: Adult Read Alouds     Cultural

Tuesday, June 27, 7:00-8:00 pm

Come spend time in the garden with a variety of hosts for an hour of reading aloud from literature with relevance to the mission of the Center. Some possibilities might include: “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer, “Seed Folk” by Paul Fleischman, “Animal, Vegetable, Junk” by Mark Bittman, “Black Earth Wisdom” by Leah Penniman, “Nature’s Best Hope” by Doug Tallamy–or others! Be part of this experimental series of open hours with a special focus!

Contact: Lisa at 

Reading Frederick Douglass Together (View the event flier)

Wednesday, June 28, 5:00-6:30 pm

At Bow Market, 1 Bow Market Way, Somerville

Join this public reading of the 4th of July address by Frederick Douglas, organized by the Somerville Museum, Community Action Agency of Somerville and the Somerville Community Growing Center. Supported by Mass Humanities, Mass Cultural Council and Bow Market. View the event flier


Grow and Preserve Herb Class                        Educational

Thursday, June 29, 6:00-7:00 pm 

Join us in the Center’s gardens for an evening workshop with Michelle de Lima, of the Trustees Boston Community Gardens, focused on growing herbs and how to preserve/use them through the season.

Please RSVP to to plan for materials needed. 



Story-Acting Workshops*                                Children

Saturdays, July 1, August 5 & 26, 4:00-5:00 pm

The Painted Playground is offering arts based playgroup sessions, inspired by the work of Vivian Paley. Children will enjoy free play time in the garden, then dictate or write down stories which will be acted out as a group. Focused on ages 1-12yrs. 

Contact: Claire at 


Pub Sings                                                      Music

Tuesdays, July 4 and 18, 7:00-9:00 pm

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated!

Contact: Jeff at 

Red Fire Farm CSA distribution                     CSA Partner

Weekly, Wednesdays, June 7 to Oct 11, 3:30-6:30 pm

Sign up here to order a weekly farm share to be picked up at the Center for 20 weeks.

Contact: Red Fire Farm at 


Volunteer Orientation                                  ​Volunteer Training

Saturday, July 8, 9:30-11:00 am

We ask that new volunteers attend a one-hour orientation with us at the Growing Center to learn about the site, how to safely access it, our volunteer opportunities, and a little history of the Growing Center. To register, fill out the Volunteer Interest Form (scroll to the bottom) or email our volunteer coordinator:

Introduction to Plant and Wildlife Monitoring    Educational

for Conservation with Earthwise Aware         

Saturday, July 8, 2:00-3:30 pm

Join Claire and Earthwise Aware (EwA) citizen scientists and learn how to observe and record the plants, insects, and animals of the Somerville Growing Center. 

Contact: Claire O’Neill at

Natural History Hour                                           Educational

Saturday, July 8, 3:30-4:30 pm

Explore and learn about local natural history at the Center in nearby neighborhoods with Claire from Earthwise Aware (EwA). Topics may include trees, birds and more! (Will likely involve walking, perhaps including hilly streets.

Contact: Claire O’Neill at


Open Hours for the Arts: Letter Writing          Cultural

Saturday, July 8, 4:00-5:00 pm

Join Delia Marshall for a special Open Hours, dedicated to the art of letter writing. Take a few minutes in a natural setting to connect with someone in your life through the written word. Materials available. Read more about the history of letter writing here. Be part of this experimental series of open hours with a special focus!         .


Herb of the Month with Mo: St. John's Wort   Educational

Sunday, July 9, 4:00-5:30 

Explore a different herb each month.  Explore a different herb each month with herbalist Contact: Paula at

Volunteer Mocktail Event                               Volunteer

Monday, July 10,  6:00-8:00 pm

Calling all volunteers! Are you looking to make some friends, meet some like-minded folks, and engage with the growing center’s community? Join us for an evening of lighthearted socializing and mocktails and get to know some of your fellow volunteers. 

Kadanz Jazz: Standards, Caribbean/Latin Flavors*   Music

Thursday, July 13, 7:00-8:30 pm

Enjoy music in the garden, with local professional musicians sharing American Jazz Standards, with new twists integrating rhythms from Caribbean and Latin traditions. Led by Growing Center volunteer Mark Torgerson on guitar, who will be joined by keyboard, bass and percussion.

Contact: Mark at 

Community Read Aloud and Growing Together     Children

Friday, July 14 / Viernes 14 de julio, 5:00-6:00 pm 

Community Read Aloud in the garden continues with guest reader Emma, en Español. All ages welcome. Program is focused on ages 1-8.

Contact: Paula at 

Compost Workshop                                    Educational

Saturday, July 15, 9:00-10:00 am

Learn about the Growing Center's Compost System and how to become a volunteer - you'll be able to bring your own food scraps to contribute once you join the team!

Contact: Lee Meichner,

Plein Air Drawing Class                              Educational

Saturday, July 15, 1:00-4:00 pm

Sunday, July 16, 2:00-5:00 pm

*Details to come*


Community Read Aloud and Growing Together  Children

Wednesday, July 19, 4:00-5:00 pm

Community Read Aloud in the garden continues with guest reader Yumi Izuyuma. All ages welcome. Program is focused on ages 1-8.

Contact: Paula at 

Yoga in the Garden                                      Health/Wellness

Sunday, July 23, 9:30-10:30 am

An hour of mindful movement practice to turn off from obligations and connect to the body and mind. Offered by Jenn Pici Falk, who also offers some online sessions here

Contact: Jenn at

Boston/Metrowest meeting of Inside-Outside:         Educational

Nature-based Educators at the Growing Center

Sunday, July 23, 3:00-4:00 pm

This meeting is focused on nature-based education and using our plant/herb friends with kids/youth/teens. All educators are welcome to attend no matter your experience working with kids or plants outdoors. Folks who attend also get a discount to attend the upcoming Natural Start Alliance conference, which is both online and in-person. (Contact Natural Start for more info.)


Herbal Tea Blending with Irischa Valentin         Educational

Sunday, July 23, 4:00-5:00 pm

Rain Date: Sunday, July 30

Together in community, we will learn about the various perennial herbs that abundantly grow around us.  We will learn about the medicinal qualities of the herbs -remembering our reciprocal relationship with our plant kin. We will make a delicious herbal tea blend with some of the plants growing in the garden.  Part of our Community Herb Project. 

Juntos en comunidad, aprenderemos sobre las hierbas perenne que abundantemente crecen entre nosotros.  Aprenderemos sobre las cualidades sanadoras de las hierbas - recordando nuestra relación recíproca con nuestras plantas familiares. Haremos un té delicioso con algunas de las plantas que están creciendo en el jardín.

Contact: Paula at 


Volunteer Orientation                                  Volunteer Training

Tuesday, July 25, 5:30-7:00 pm

We ask that new volunteers attend a one-hour orientation with us at the Growing Center to learn about the site, how to safely access it, our volunteer opportunities, and a little history of the Growing Center. To register, fill out the Volunteer Interest Form (scroll to the bottom) or email our volunteer coordinator:

Open Hours for the Arts: Adult Read Alouds   Cultural

Tuesday, July 25, 7:00-8:00 pm

Come spend time in the garden with a variety of hosts for an hour of reading aloud from literature with relevance to the mission of the Center. Some possibilities might include: “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer, “Seed Folk” by Paul Fleischman, “Animal, Vegetable, Junk” by Mark Bittman, “Black Earth Wisdom” by Leah Penniman, “Nature’s Best Hope” by Doug Tallamy–or others! Be part of this experimental series of open hours with a special focus!

Contact: Lisa at 


Community Read Aloud and Growing Together     Children

Thursday, July 27 / Jueves 27 de julio, 5:30-6:30 pm 

Community Read Aloud in the garden continues with guest reader Emma, en Español. All ages welcome. Program is focused on ages 1-8.

Contact: Paula at 

It’s NatYOURS Films                                     Film

Thursday, July 27, 8:00-9:30 pm

Rain Dates: Aug 10, or 24 or 31

An evening of film shorts created by Spruce Tone Films who are “a collective of passionate creators with the goal to tell timely and compelling stories. They develop, pitch and produce our own original films, as well as branded docs and commercials for socially and environmentally responsible companies and nonprofits.” Come enjoy short films and lively discussion in a garden setting.

Contact: Maddie at 


Vegetable Fermentation Workshop:

Simple Preservation You Can Do At Home     Educational
Saturday, July 29, 4:00-5:00 pm New Date: Aug 5, 1-2:00 pm

Flora Spivak will discuss and demonstrate simple techniques for making sauerkraut and pickles at home. Sample recipes provided. Come learn and/or share your own experience and knowledge of these traditional methods of preserving food.

Contact: Flora at 


Community Read Aloud and Growing Together     Children

Monday, July 31 / Lunes 31 de julio, 6:00-7:00 pm 

Community Read Aloud in the garden continues with guest reader Emma, en Español. All ages welcome. Program is focused on ages 1-8.

Contact: Paula at 



Pub Sings                                                  Music

Tuesdays, August 1 and 15, 7:00-9:00 pm

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated!

Contact: Jeff at 


Red Fire Farm CSA distribution                    CSA Partner

Weekly, Wednesdays, June 7 to Oct 11, 3:30-6:30 pm

Sign up here to order a weekly farm share to be picked up at the Center for 20 weeks.

Contact: Red Fire Farm at 

Turnaround Film Shorts                                Film

Thursday, August 3, 8:00-9:30 pm

Rain Dates: Aug 10, or 24 or 31

An evening of film shorts created by TURNAROUND FILMS whose goal is “to provide quality, accurate videos to educators, students, legislators, and activists who need to communicate with the public about climate change.  These people are on the frontlines of addressing problems and organizing workable solutions.” Come enjoy short films and lively discussion in a garden setting.

Contact: Maddie at 


Story-Acting Workshops*                            Children

Saturdays, August 5, 4:00-5:00 pm

The Painted Playground is offering arts based playgroup sessions, inspired by the work of Vivian Paley. Children will enjoy free play time in the garden, then dictate or write down stories which will be acted out as a group. Focused on ages 1-12yrs. 

Contact: Claire at 


Stuffed Animal Campout                              Children

Sunday, August 6, 6:00-7:30 pm

Drop off your stuffies for an overnight camping experience! We’ll have a camping-themed Pajama Storytime for the kids prior to saying their good-byes, and then it’s party time for just the animals, with garden exploration time, hide-and-seek, (pretend) s’mores making, singalongs, and more! Follow along in the fun on social media! Additional drop-off times and pick-up opportunities to be announced.

Contact: Betsy at 


Community Read Aloud and Growing Together     Children

Wednesday, August 9 / Quarta-feira, 9 de agosto, 4-5:00 pm 

Community Read Aloud in the garden continues with guest reader Yumi Izuyama, em Português.

All ages welcome. Program is focused on ages 1-8.

Contact: Paula at 

Volunteer Orientation                                 Volunteer Training

Saturday, August 12, 9:30-11:00 am

We ask that new volunteers attend a one-hour orientation with us at the Growing Center to learn about the site, how to safely access it, our volunteer opportunities, and a little history of the Growing Center. To register, fill out the Volunteer Interest Form (scroll to the bottom) or email our volunteer coordinator:

Somerville Art Council's Yart Sale               Cultural

at the Growing Center!

Saturday, August 12, 12:00-6:00 pm     

It’s the Somerville Arts Council’s 3rd Annual Yart Sale –with the Growing Center offering space for a range of vendors for this event, like a Yard Sale, only for art. Expect to see a range of products and activities like live art, handmade objects, band merch, art supplies, collectible items or even plants! Reach out if you're interested in selling your art at the Growing Center that day! MUST supply your own table. The SAC's deadline for signing up is August 1, but please check with us first (by July 30) before signing up to sell at the Growing Center! (FYI - there is no vendor fee!)

Contact: Betsy at 


Introduction to Plant and Wildlife Monitoring   Educational

for Conservation with Earthwise Aware     

Saturday, August 12, 2:00-3:30 pm

Join Claire and Earthwise Aware (EwA) citizen scientists and learn how to observe and record the plants, insects, and animals of the Somerville Growing Center. With these observation events and through the EwA photo documentation using the iNaturalist platform, we contribute to biodiversity science while enjoying the outdoors together in this beautiful little garden. Also learn about EwA’s arthropod (insect and spider) and phenology studies at the Growing Center.

Contact: Claire O’Neill at

Natural History Hour                                           Educational

Saturday, August 12, 3:30-4:30 pm

Explore and learn about local natural history at the Center in nearby neighborhoods with Claire from Earthwise Aware (EwA). Topics may include trees, birds and more! (Will likely involve walking, perhaps including hilly streets.

Contact: Claire O’Neill at

Mindful Yoga Care in the Garden with Jenn     Health/Wellness

Monday, August 14, 6:30-7:30 pm

An open template for practice to welcome gentle movement and contemplation for your current moment with instructor Jenn Pici Falk, who also offers some online sessions here

Contact: Jenn at


Open Hours for the Arts: Poetry                   Cultural

Saturday, August 19, 4:00-5:00 pm

Come to the Center to join poet Denise Provost-and maybe others- in a garden setting. Nurture your creative muse taking time to listen and write, or perhaps share poems of your own or others that inspire you. Be part of this experimental series of open hours with a special focus. 

Contact: Denise Provost at 


Open Hours for the Arts: Music                    Cultural

Sunday, TBD, 4:00-5:30 pm

Join Mark Sq'd (GC volunteers Mark Chenevert and Mark Torgerson) with your instrument for open music jam/exploration in a garden setting. (Part of a pilot to have open hours to explore a range of participatory cultural activities; watch for sessions for poetry, letter writing, and more!)

Contact: Lisa at 


Volunteer Orientation                                  Volunteer Training

Tuesday, August 22, 5:30-7:00 pm

We ask that new volunteers attend a one-hour orientation with us at the Growing Center to learn about the site, how to safely access it, our volunteer opportunities, and a little history of the Growing Center. To register, fill out the Volunteer Interest Form (scroll to the bottom) or email our volunteer coordinator:

Open Hours for the Arts: Adult Read Alouds    Cultural

Tuesday, August 22, 7:00-8:00 pm

Come spend time in the garden with a variety of hosts for an hour of reading aloud from literature with relevance to the mission of the Center. Some possibilities might include: “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer, “Seed Folk” by Paul Fleischman, “Animal, Vegetable, Junk” by Mark Bittman, “Black Earth Wisdom” by Leah Penniman, “Nature’s Best Hope” by Doug Tallamy–or others! Be part of this experimental series of open hours with a special focus!

Contact: Lisa at 


Community Read Aloud and Growing Together   Children

Wednesday, August 23, 4:00-5:00 pm 

Community Read Aloud in the garden continues with guest reader Yumi Izuyama. 

All ages welcome. Program is focused on ages 1-8.

Contact: Paula at 


Story-Acting Workshops*                             Children

Saturdays, August 26, 4:00-5:00 pm

The Painted Playground is offering arts based playgroup sessions, inspired by the work of Vivian Paley. Children will enjoy free play time in the garden, then dictate or write down stories which will be acted out as a group. Focused on ages 1-12yrs. 

Contact: Claire at 


Lacto Fermentation Workshop                       Educational

Sunday, August 27, 4:00-5:00 pm

Join volunteer Spencer Albin for a demonstration and exploration of the world of lacto fermentation, using sauerkraut making as an example. Come learn and/or share your own experience and knowledge of these traditional methods of preserving food.

Contact: Lisa at 



Open Hours for the Arts: Letter Writing           Cultural

Saturday, September 2, 4:00-5:00 pm

Come to the Center to join Delia Marshall for a special Open Hours, dedicated to the art of letter writing. Take a few minutes in a natural setting to connect with someone in your life through the written word. Materials available if needed for you to be able to send a letter. Read more about the history of letter writing here. Be part of this experimental series of open hours with a special focus!


Pub Sings                                                  Music

Tuesdays, September 5 and 19, 7:00 -9:00 pm

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated!

Contact: Jeff at 


Red Fire Farm CSA distribution                    CSA Partner

Weekly, Wednesdays, June 7 to Oct 11, 3:30-6:30 pm

Sign up here to order a weekly farm share to be picked up at the Center for 20 weeks.

Contact: Red Fire Farm at 

Volunteer Orientation                                 Volunteer Training

Saturday, September 9, 9:30-11:00 am

We ask that new volunteers attend a one-hour orientation with us at the Growing Center to learn about the site, how to safely access it, our volunteer opportunities, and a little history of the Growing Center. To register, fill out the Volunteer Interest Form (scroll to the bottom) or email our volunteer coordinator:

Introduction to Plant and Wildlife Monitoring   Educational

for Conservation with Earthwise Aware     

Saturday, September 9, 2:00-3:30 pm

Join Claire and Earthwise Aware (EwA) citizen scientists and learn how to observe and record the plants, insects, and animals of the Somerville Growing Center. With these observation events and through the EwA photo documentation using the iNaturalist platform, we contribute to biodiversity science while enjoying the outdoors together in this beautiful little garden. Also learn about EwA’s arthropod (insect and spider) and phenology studies at the Growing Center.

Contact: Claire O’Neill at

Natural History Hour                                           Educational

Saturday, September 9, 3:30-4:30 pm

Explore and learn about local natural history at the Center in nearby neighborhoods with Claire from Earthwise Aware (EwA). Topics may include trees, birds and more! (Will likely involve walking, perhaps including hilly streets.

Contact: Claire O’Neill at


Open Hours for the Arts: Poetry                   Cultural

Saturday, September 9, 4:00-5:00 pm

Come to the Center to join poet Denise Provost-and maybe others- in a garden setting. Nurture your creative muse taking time to listen and write, or perhaps share poems of your own or others that inspire you. Be part of this experimental series of open hours with a special focus. 

Contact: Denise Provost at 


Mindful Yoga Care in the Garden with Jenn     Health/Wellness

Sunday, September 10, 9:30-10:30 am

An open template for practice to welcome gentle movement and contemplation for your current moment with instructor Jenn Pici Falk, who also offers some online sessions here

Contact: Jenn at

Taste the Molecular Rainbow:

What Color and Flavor Tell Us About Chemistry     Educational

Sunday, September 10, 4:00-5:30 pm

Why do all alliums have that strong garlicky smell? How do I know if the dried herbs you’ve had in my cabinet for five years are still good? In this class you will begin to practice using your senses to teach you about the chemical constituents in your foods and medicine. We will discuss the primary atoms that make up plant molecules, and some common forms that they take. You will get to see, smell, and taste different preparations of the same herbs to learn the flavors and mouthfeel of specific molecules, and to learn which preparations extract which constituents. Bring your favorite mug and a pen and come join me where experiential and scientific knowledge meet! With herbalist Mo Katz-Christy as part of our Community Herb Project.

Contact: Paula at 


Community Read Aloud and Growing Together       Children

Monday, September 11, 4:00-5:00 pm 

Community Read Aloud in the garden continues with guest reader Yumi Izuyama. 

All ages welcome. Program is focused on ages 1-8.

Contact: Paula at 


Gathering of the Fairies: Celebrating Nature Spirits   Children

Saturday, September 16, 2:00 - 5:00 pm

Rain Date: Saturday, September 30

Celebratory activities in the garden for fairies and their friends include storytelling, building a fairy house and creating a fairy wand. Everyone is invited to come dressed up as their favorite magical being. Donations are encouraged to support the Growing Center and future Gatherings of the Fairies.

Contact: Betsy Larkin at  


Volunteer Orientation                                 Volunteer Training

Tuesday, September 26, 5:30-7:00 pm

We ask that new volunteers attend a one-hour orientation with us at the Growing Center to learn about the site, how to safely access it, our volunteer opportunities, and a little history of the Growing Center. To register, fill out the Volunteer Interest Form (scroll to the bottom) or email our volunteer coordinator:

Plein Air Drawing Class in Soft Pastel                  Cultural

Sunday, September 24, 1:00-4:00 pm

Painting class with instructor David Del Deo. This class is open to all and absolutely free. Bringing your own materials is encouraged. A drawing demo is included. First come, first served; maximum class size 20.



Harvest Festival: Gathering in Gratitude*        Seasonal

Sunday, October 1, 2:00 - 4:00 pm 

Rain Date: Sunday, October 15

Harvest activities and games, pumpkin decorating and a celebration of the bounty nature shares with us throughout the year.

Contact: Lisa at 781-953-4826 or

Mindful Monday Yoga Care in the Garden    Health/Wellness

with Jenn

Mondays, October 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30, 5:30-6:30 pm

An open template for practice to welcome gentle movement and contemplation for your current moment with instructor Jenn Pici Falk, who also offers some online sessions here

Facebook event

Contact: Jenn at


Pub Sings                                                  Music

Tuesdays, October 3 and 17, 6:00 - 8:00 pm

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated!

Contact: Jeff at 

Nature + Art + Kids: Seeds / Sementes                 Children

Sunday, October 8, 2:00-4:00 pm

This Portuguese-language event, co-hosted by SomerViva and led by multilingual volunteers Piéra Varin & Yumi Izuyama, offers storytelling, Brazilian children's songs, land art (making art with nature materials), and BYO picnic!

English language flyerPortuguese flyer.

Community Read Aloud and Growing Together     Children

Monday, October 9 / Segunda-feira, 9 de outubro, 4-5:00 pm 

Community Read Aloud in the garden continues with guest reader Yumi, em Português. All ages welcome. Program is focused on ages 1-8.

Contact: Paula at 

Red Fire Farm CSA distribution                  CSA Partner

Weekly, Wednesdays, June 7 to Oct 11, 3:30-6:30 pm

Sign up here to order a weekly farm share to be picked up at the Center for 20 weeks.

Contact: Red Fire Farm at 


Volunteer Orientation                                 Volunteer Training

Saturday, October 14, 9:30-11:00 am

We ask that new volunteers attend a one-hour orientation with us at the Growing Center to learn about the site, how to safely access it, our volunteer opportunities, and a little history of the Growing Center. To register, fill out the Volunteer Interest Form (scroll to the bottom) or email our volunteer coordinator:

Introduction to Plant and Wildlife Monitoring   Educational

for Conservation with Earthwise Aware     

Saturday, October 14, 2:00 -3:30 pm

Join Claire and Earthwise Aware (EwA) citizen scientists and learn how to observe and record the plants, insects, and animals of the Somerville Growing Center. With these observation events and through the EwA photo documentation using the iNaturalist platform, we contribute to biodiversity science while enjoying the outdoors together in this beautiful little garden. Also learn about EwA’s arthropod (insect and spider) and phenology studies at the Growing Center.

Contact: Claire O’Neill at

Natural History Hour                                           Educational

Saturday, October 14, 3:30-4:30 pm

Explore and learn about local natural history at the Center in nearby neighborhoods with Claire from Earthwise Aware (EwA). Topics may include trees, birds and more! (Will likely involve walking, perhaps including hilly streets.

Contact: Claire O’Neill at


Family STEM Exploration Fair                            Children

Tuesday, October 17, 2:30-5:30 pm

Join the Metro North Regional STEM Network at the Somerville Community Growing Center for an afternoon of FREE hands-on activities with local scientists, organizations and clubs! Part of Massachusetts STEM Week, October 16-20.

Seasonal Salvage Sale & Makers' Market          Fundraiser

MOVED TO Sunday, October 22, 12:00-5:00 pm

An innovative Yard Sale in two parts: the first a curated, seasonally-themed sale featuring salvaged housewares, clothing, jewelry, books and decorative items; the second, a craft/artisan fair offering everything from clothing to prints to jewelry. Read more about the event here!

Contact: Betsy Larkin at


Volunteer Orientation                                Volunteer Training

Tuesday, October 24, 5:30-7:00 pm

Learn about the site, how to safely access it, our volunteer opportunities, and a little history of the Growing Center. To register, fill out the Volunteer Interest Form (scroll to the bottom) or email our volunteer coordinator:

AntiMorris Dancing and Pumpkin Carols     Cultural

Monday, October 31, 5:00 - 7:00 pm, rain or shine

Pumpkin Carols followed by the AntiMorris at Sunset, danced by Recently Traditional Fictional Morris. The dancers shall fade silently into the night upon conclusion of the dance. 

Contact: Jeremy Kessler at   


Community Read Aloud and Growing Together     Children

Saturday, November 4, 11:00 am

Reading of "I Love You More Than Dumplings" by Cayla Kwok

Join us for a reading of I Love You More Than Dumplings, written by local high school student Cayla Kwok and illustrated by Jeri Llorca. Cayla, an Arlington resident, has published her own children’s book. In it, she shares her story of bonding with her grandparents over her favorite food—dumplings! This story is a window and a mirror into the experience of children with multiple heritages. At the end, we will make our own pretend dumplings out of felt, Velcro, and other items. You’ll also learn about the local non-profit, Loving Little Minds Home Library Project, an organization that aims to increase access to diverse children's books for families of young children, as everyone deserves to be a main character.

All ages welcome. Program is focused on ages 1-8.

Contact: Paula at 

Pub Sings                                                Music

Tuesdays, November 7 and 21, 6:00-8:00 pm

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated!

Contact: Jeff at 


Introduction to Plant and Wildlife Monitoring   Educational

for Conservation with Earthwise Aware     

Saturday, November 11, 2:00 -3:30 pm

Join Claire and Earthwise Aware (EwA) citizen scientists and learn how to observe and record the plants, insects, and animals of the Somerville Growing Center. With these observation events and through the EwA photo documentation using the iNaturalist platform, we contribute to biodiversity science while enjoying the outdoors together in this beautiful little garden. Also learn about EwA’s arthropod (insect and spider) and phenology studies at the Growing Center.

Contact: Claire O’Neill at

Growing Center Fundraiser at American Flatbread  Fundraiser

Tuesday, November 14, 4:00-10:00 pm

Join us on November 14 at American Flatbread in Davis Square for a special fall fundraiser! They're donating $4 for every large pizza ordered, and $2 for every small pizza ordered - right to the Friends of the Community Growing Center! Gather your friends or family and make a reservation for pizza (or bowling!). This opportunity also applies to carry out and delivery orders (when placed through It runs 4:00-10:00 pm.

Honoring the True Roots of Herbalism:                   Educational

A Dialogue about Plants, Decolonization & Liberation (Virtual Talk)

Wednesday, November 15, 6:00-7:30 pm

Join Nathalie Rodríguez and Denise Goitia, queer biracial Latinx folk herbalists and community healers, in a dialogue about plant medicine, liberation and healing justice. This talk is part of the Growing Center's Community Herb Project, initially funded through a grant from Mountain Rose Herbs.
Register through this link.




Pub Sing                                               Music

Tuesday, December 5, 6:00-8:00 pm

A pub-style sing along. Anyone can lead a song, but no-one is obliged to. Drinking songs and sea chanteys always go over well, but anything with a good, singable chorus will be appreciated!

Contact: Jeff at 

Maple Matters: Learn about the Growing Center’s Maple Syrup Project
Wednesday, December 13, 7:00-8:00 pm
At the Central Branch of the Somerville Public Library, 79 Highland Ave, Somerville
The time for the Growing Center’s Maple Syrup Project is right around the corner (tapping starts at the end of January, and the boil will happen in early March)! The Maple Project is an opportunity for Somerville residents to connect with each other and the natural world by tapping local maple trees, boiling sap, and making delicious maple syrup.  If you are interested in helping, join us to learn more about how you can get involved and to help set intentions for this year's activities with some related writings by professor, botanist, author and enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Robin Wall Kimmerer. Share herbal tea from the Center (and maybe even some Maple Project maple syrup).
Contact: Connor at

Winter Foraging 
Sundays, Dec 17, Jan 21, and Feb 18, 12:00-2:00 pm

Sage McTaggart will teach us how to identify some edible and medicinal plants on winter walks. Come prepared with a mug to enjoy some tasty teas during an often overlooked season!


Celebrate the Solstice!*                           Cultural

Tuesday, December 19, 6:00-8:00 pm

A mid-winter seasonal celebration during the longest nights of the year, looking forward to the coming spring even in the dark of the season. Enjoy the warmth of joining in community, sharing songs, stories, hope and cheer. 

Contact: Lisa at or Jeff at

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Growing Center at the Farmers Market

Saturday, May 20, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Stop by our table at the Union Square Farmers Market! We'll have some sort of spring nature activity going on, and also fliers for all of our upcoming events on hand!

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Donate with PayPal

Visit the Growing Center at: 

22 Vinal Ave, Somerville, MA 02143

Mailing Address: P. O. Box 76

Somervillle, MA 02143


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