Open Hours are back!

We are excited––and grateful––to announce that the Growing Center is able to resume some limited Open Hours! This spring and summer, we missed sharing the site with you, and are excited to welcome you back into the space to enjoy the greenery, fresh air, and local wildlife afforded by our quarter-acre urban garden park.
For the rest of the summer and fall, Open Hours will be Tuesdays, from 5:00pm-7:00pm, Fridays, from 10am-12pm, and Saturdays, from 10:30am-12:30pm.
Be sure to check our calendar, here, to confirm exact dates and times before planning to visit.
In the interest of keeping our community safe and healthy, visits to the Growing Center will be a little different for the time being. In accordance with the City of Somerville's re-opening plans, which you can learn more about here, the Growing Center asks that all visitors to the garden respect the following guidelines upon entering the space:
Visits are limited to 10 people at any one time
Wash/Sanitize your hands when you enter and leave the garden
Please wear a face mask or cloth covering at all times that social distancing is not possible
Keep social distance, maintain 6 feet from anyone not in your party, and allow others to pass
If you are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 or have been recently been exposed, please stay home
Please do not touch or use communal surfaces
Keep your visit short
Please note, bathrooms are closed and you must carry out all trash
If we are at capacity please come back another time!
If you have a question, please ask the volunteer host!
Limite de visitantes, 10 personas en cualquier momento
Lava/desinfecta tus manos cuando entres y salgas del jardín.
Por favor mantenga puesta su cubreboca en todo momento.
Mantenga una distancia al menos 6 pies de otros que no estén en tu grupo, permite a otros pasar.
Si tu has tenido síntomas del COVID 19 o has estado recientemente con alguien que tenga la enfermedad , por favor quédate en tu casa.
Por favor no toques o utilizes superficies en común.
Tus visitas deben ser por corto tiempo.
Por favor, los servicios sanitarios están cerrados, si tienes basura depositala afuera.
Si el jardín está a su capacidad total , puedes regresar en otro momento.
Si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes hacerla al anfitrión voluntario